Sequel~ Two

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Chapter 2


"Thanks for breakfast mom." I said kissing her cheek. She laughed.

"Anything for my baby." She cooed kissing my forehead. I wandered upstairs into my old bedroom. Everything remained just as I left it. I smiled still remembering the first day Hailee ever came here. It was when we were working on our project for science class. I smiled at myself picturing everything in my head. This room was the room where I told her I never wanted to loose her. And now that happened. I think about her all day, everyday. The way her eyes turned brighter blue when she was happy. The way her smile lit up the room. Just having her presence in the room could lighten your mood. I sighed trying to forget. But I'm never going to forget someone as perfect as her. Even when she just woke up, or she was sick, she was still the most beautiful in the world. Why did this have to happen to us?

"Please bring her back to me." I whispered putting my face into my hands sighing. Please. I sat there, memories flooding back. I felt a hand on my shoulder making me jump. I looked up seeing my mom.

"You really miss her." She whispered and I nodded.

"So much." I replied and she leaned her head on my shoulder.

"Call him." Lila demanded. I looked up from my feet giving her a shocked expression. I searched her face for any sign joking matter but all I could find was seriousness. She grabbed my phone from her nightstand since I had gone to her house with her. I hesitantly took it from her and saw she already had Justin's number pulled up. I looked at her again and shook my head.

"I can't." I wimped out.

"Hails why is this so hard for you? You still love him don't you?" She questioned and I nodded my head. "Then it should be easy for you to talk to him." She let out a sigh as I looked back down at my phone.

"What would I say?" I asked my voice barely above a whisper.

"Just talk. Just do it. Maybe it will help." She pointed out. Maybe hearing his angelic voice and her his lovely laugh would make me feel better. But then again, it would tear me apart. I looked at her one last time. "You're gonna have to call him whether you like it or not. I will make you." I took a deep breath as I stood up.

"Okay fine. I'm gonna step outside." I told we and made my way downstairs to the backyard. I knew she was going to watch me from the window to make sure I did it. I click on the call button hold the phone up to my ear. I waited only two rings before he answered.

"Hailee?" I heard the familiar voice say. I gasped hearing him. He sounded like he was crying.

"Justin." I breathed just barely loud enough. I closed my eyes trying to stop the tears from crying.

"How are you?" He asked after a minute of silence.

"I've been better." I lied which he caught onto.

"Hailee you're lying." He said. I could picture him with his million dollar smile on his face.

"Okay you caught me. I'm horrible." I truthfully answered letting tears fall while I sniffled.

"Don't cry." I heard him speak. I opened my eyes.

"Justin I have to cry. I can't control it. Miss you so much." I spoke the truth as I cried.

"Hails I can't do this without you either. I haven't done anything with my life since you left. I need you back. To hold you in my arms. To kiss your soft lips that I miss so much. It's impossible to live without you." He poured his heart out to me. By now I was crying and I was 100% sure he was too.

"Justin." I whimpered placing my head on my knees.

"Hailee, I still love you. No doubt about it."

"I love you too." I cried so happy to hear those words slip from both of our mouths. But it's not like we were just throwing then around. They actually meant something. We actually meant something to each other.

"Make me a promise?" I heard him pipe up.

"Of course." I agreed not caring what he was going to say.

"Promise me you won't cry. Because when you cry, I cry. And when you smile, I smile." He told me. I let a smile form on my lips as I wiped away the tears.

"I promise." I told him. I could feel his smile trough the phone.

"Good girl." He said making me giggle. I heard him laugh along making my heart skip a beat. It was just how I remembered it. No, scratch that, it was better than how I remember it. But now I can't cry.


"How are you? I mean, we spent this whole time on me." I pointed out. He laughed again making me smile.

"Well, I'm probably just as bad as you." He said. I frowned.

"Do you cry?" I questioned already knowing him answer.

"Of course I do. You were the first girl I ever loved. And still do love. I still cry." He told me and I sighed.

"Well now you can't cry." I said.

"And why not?"

"Because I can't cry. If I can't cry, neither can you." I giggled followed by his.

"Okay, I promise I won't."

I climbed into Chaz's car going to drive it back to his house. I drove down the road silently only hearing the sound of my humming.

'Girl I'm in live with the thought of you' I repeated in my head. Hailee adored the song I wrote for her. And now I was having it stuck in my head. I swear my heart skipped beats when when Hailee's name flashed across my screen two hours ago. Yes, we talk for a long time. Catching up with each other. Her voice relaxed me. It made me happy. And she still loved my like I loved her.

Before I knew it, I was already at Chaz's house finding my way up to his lawn. I looked around seeing the mess from the party all over the place. There were dixy cups all over and trash in some places. I walked up to the front door not bothering to knock. I let myself in finding Chaz passed out on the floor. Some random people scattered about. Damn, thinks must have gotten intense last night after I left. I bent down shaking Chaz trying to wake him up. He groaned loudly and I chuckled making my way to the kitchen. I grabbed him a Tylenol and a water bottle knowing he would have a hangover. I went back finding him sitting up in the same spot he was in.

"Here take these." I said handing him the medicine. He took it from my hand and took it chugging down the water after.

"Thanks bro." He said giving me his bro shake.

"Yep." I said popping the 'p'. I found my way to the couch, stepping over the ocean of bodies that lied sleeping on the ground. I heard him follow behind me and fell down onto the couch next to me.

"Where did you go last night?" He asked after moments of silence.

"My moms house." I told him truthfully. He chuckled and I gave him a look.

"Or you just left so you could get laid." He replied. I have him a look followed by a glare.

"Fuck no." I cursed. "Never."

"You would have if it wasn't for Hailee." He pointed out the obvious.

"She changed me bro." I whispered. There was a long moment of silence and then I felt Chaz's gaze on me. "What?" I finally hissed getting uncomfortable with his staring.

"Go get her Justin." Was all he said. Some thing I never expected him to say. I looked at him in shock almost as I I didn't hear him correctly.


"Go. Get. Her. Justin." He repeated with small pauses between each word. Sure enough, I heard him correctly the first time. He was right too. If I want her so badly, I'm just gonna have to go get her myself.

"Hey, bring back my best friend will ya?" Stephanie joked pulling out of the hug. I laughed slightly saying goodbye to the rest of them.

"Good luck sweetheart." My mom said placing a kiss on my temple. I nodded and said bye again as I loaded onto the plane. I instantly put in my headphones zoning everything out. More people started filing in and found their seats. I groaned when a girl about my age sat down next to me. I didn't have to hear her to know she was eyeing me up and down. I rolled my eyes and looked the opposite direction. I looked out the window for what seemed like forever until I felt the plane moving down the runway and then lift off the ground. This was going to be the longest plane ride of my life.


"Noah you know I can't stand you." I said pissed off that he came into my own room without asking.

"Hailee I just want to tell you how much I really wanna be with you. You know I always have." He said pushing up against the wall. He placed his hands on my ass and I slapped them away trying to push him off. I guess you could say he wasn't the strongest guy. If I tried pushing Justin he wouldn't even budge. But Noah did.

"Get off of me." I spat at him. He didn't listen. "Noah don't make me ask again. Get the fuck off of me." I gritted my teeth.

"Well aren't you a feisty one." He said jokingly which it didn't think was funny. He noticed and backed up.

"Every adult that was at that dinner last time I was here told you to stay away from me. Because you could hurt me like you hurt Justin." My voice cracked when I neared the end.

"No, that was when you were with that douche." He Smirked. I gave him an evil glare.

"He isn't a douche. Don't ever say that again. Just because we can't be together doesn't mean you can say things like that." I spat raising my voice some. "And besides, he treated me better than you ever have."

"Damn Hailee ca-"

"And you expect me to like you?" I scoffed facing the window. He came up behind me trying to lace his arms around my waist. I pushed him back.

"Get out." I hissed.

"Hailee can you listen?"

"Listen to what? How much you wanna get in my pants. No. Now get. Out." I said it again pushing him out and slamming the door behind him. I laid down on the bed and listened to the front door slam shut. My parents were at work and Ally was with Maddie. I thought back to two days ago when I called Justin. It did feel good to talk to him. But it also made me want him. To be able to reach out and touch his soft skin. I sighed and buried my face into the sea of pillows. If I could I would have probably cried. But I promised him I wouldn't. Stay strong, I thought to myself. I turned on my music from the stereo and turned it up, relaxing. I didn't have to worry about anything since I was home alone. But I didn't know if Noah actually left or if he just made me think he left.

I hadn't noticed i was almost asleep when the sound of the doorbell made me jump. I groaned rolling out of my bed and skipped downstairs. I tried looking through the peephole for fun but failed since I was too short. Instead, I swung the door open not expecting who I laid my eyes on.

"Miss me?"


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