The Diary of a Witch

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Dear Diary,

I decided to take a move out of Elena's playbook and write out my troubles so that at least I can process them. So here goes, I am a witch whose soul has lived for two thousand years. Because of a curse placed on me by my elder sister I have reincarnated six different times, but I guess I should start from the beginning.

Two thousand years ago I was born into a group of gifted people called the Travelers, or as they were known back then Gypsies, of which my elder sister, Qetsiyah, was the leader. Qetsiyah was indeed powerful, however there were two people who could ever hope to rival against her, Layisha and Silas. Layisha was my name back then and I loved my sister very much, but Silas ruined everything, including my normal life. Now, Silas may have been a simple man, but somehow in his simplicity he managed to win Qetsiyah's heart and suddenly they were engaged to be married.

I never liked Silas, only because behind my back he called me "The Pale Ghost" because of my albino nature, but I tolerated him out of consideration for my sister and helped her prepare for their wedding by designing the garden in which their wedding was to be held in. I even helped her craft the immortality elixir. However, two weeks before the wedding I awoke from a nightmare and decided to take a walk through the gardens. While walking I heard strange noises coming from behind the brush and I went to investigate. Sprawled out on a blanket, sleeping peacefully, was the man my sister loved, lying next to the woman he truly loved, Qetsiyah's handmaiden, Amara.

I made sure not to get caught as I rushed back inside and the next morning I went to Qetsiyah to warn her of Silas's lies and treachery. I did this for the next nine days, however my sister would not believe me and eventually told Silas about my accusations against him. Silas realized that I was now a threat to his plan to spend the rest of eternity with Amara, so, he urged Qetsiyah to banish me, but not before punishing me for attempting to come between their "true love". As a result, three days before the wedding Qetsiyah ordered me to be seized and publicly shamed. In front of all the Travelers, Qetsiyah, channeling the power of all in our group, cursed me to live a cursed year watching the people who I truly loved fall in love with those other than myself for every day I had denied that Silas loved her and she bound my curse to a comet making it virtually unbreakable.

So as a result, after I died, my soul would be reincarnated nine different times and I would have to watch the people I loved fall in love with those other than myself. After my curse was bound I was forced to run away, exiled from my people and my sister. I managed to make my way to the Roman capital and spent two months watching gladiators fighting in the Colosseum. It was there that I met a woman named Sybil, she got into my head and saw all the horrible things that my sister and coven had done to me. She revealed herself to be a siren for Satan and was willing to introduce me to him to see if he would take pity on me. In the end I agreed and met with Arcadius, he saw that our stories had parallels and granted me the gift of remembering who I was every time I was resurrected and also told me that I would be free from ever coming to his hell dimension.

After that I stayed with Sybil until I received word from a Traveler friend that I was right all along about Silas and now they were cursed. I said my fond farewells to Sybil and returned to the Travelers. Qetsiyah, out of anger for Silas, was disregarding her position as leader of the Travelers in order to seek her ultimate revenge. I assumed the position of leader after some radicals of our group had Qetsiyah killed, but not before Qetsiyah had a child with another man. However, I did not remain leader for long, another group of witches, calling themselves the Gemini Coven, cursed our community to live as nomads out of fear of my power and attacked us. I was stabbed to death, but not before leaving behind a scroll for my sister's son instructing him and the remainder of the Travelers on how to use magic that didn't require tapping into Nature, which was now against them.

Thus Ending My First Life

My second life was that of a werewolf, named Leia Kane, however during that life I never activated my werewolf gene, but was still called "The Pale Wolf" because of my albino nature. I was the daughter of the chief and the alpha of our pack, Ansel, which meant that Niklaus was my half-brother. When the Mikaelsons first arrived in the village I was put in charge of watching over and protecting the youngest of the village and that later translated to me becoming Henrik's nanny.

I was around the Mikaelsons all the time and grew close to all of them. Their witch friend, Ayana, who had been tutoring Esther in witchcraft even told me about Freya, which was meant to be kept as a secret from Mikael. I did as Ayana instructed and ended up taking that secret to my grave because even I knew to fear Mikael and not get in his way.

Next comes Finn, he was a rather interesting young man, he grew up always looking for his mother's approval and often looked down upon his siblings. However, I came to see that all he wanted was to ease his mother's pain upon losing Freya to Dahlia.

Out of all the strong, wolf men in the village, I fell in love with Elijah. He was always looking out for the safety of his siblings and was always conflicted when it came to protecting Klaus from Mikael. He was, in a word, Noble, unlike many men in the village who wanted to mate with me just to become the next alpha and chief of the village. However, he would end up falling in love with the human doppelgänger named Tatia Petrova. I could not be mad at either of them because Tatia was my friend and they were perfect for each other despite Niklaus's obvious affection for her as well.

Niklaus, before he became the big, bad hybrid, was a gentle man, who was often physically and mentally abused by Mikael for that very reason. I respected him in every way and would often secretly bind his wounds after particularly harsh beatings from Mikael. He even grew into the habit of teasing me about my many suitors. Perhaps I grew close to him because the wolf in me somehow knew that there was a wolf in him too.

Kol, even at a young age, was quite the mischievous womanizer and often got into trouble. He was a child prodigy in the use of the dark arts and I would often bear witness to his more beautiful spells. I have always admired how he, in particular, was never afraid to be himself.

Out of all the Mikaelson children, I spent the most time with Rebekah, being the only female of the bunch. She once told me that she was jealous that all the men in the village flocked to me and my closest friend Tatia and wished one day to love someone who would love her back. I looked up to Rebekah, even though she was younger than me at the time, because even though the was a woman, she was determined to stand on equal footing with her brothers.

Finally, my pride and joy, Henrik Mikaelson. Since Esther always seemed to be busy with all her motherly duties and practicing witchcraft, I took care of raising Henrik and even began to see him as a son. He was an adventurous child and was the closest to Niklaus.

However, one night, without my knowledge, Klaus and Henrik snuck out to watch the men in the village turn into wolves, which led to Henrik's untimely death. Not long after Esther used a variation of Qetsiyah's immortality spell to turn Mikael and all their children into the first vampires. Which in turn activated Nikaus's wolf gene and led to the death of my friend Tatia, at the hands of Elijah, while countless others were slaughtered by Mikael once he learned that Niklaus's true father was Ansel.

After all was said and done I could no longer stand being alive, so I went to the Falls and was ready to jump when I heard Elijah call out to me, "Leia! What are you doing?"

I turned my back to the Falls to face the man whom I loved and killed my best friend, answering, "I am sorry, Elijah, but I can no longer live in this world. My family slaughtered by Mikael, my best friend killed and then her deceased body abused in order to bind the wolf in Niklaus, the man I loved succumbing to the beast he was never meant to be, and the boy I saw as my son torn to shreds before he could become the wonderful man I knew he could be." He attempted to take a step forward, but I yelled, "Do not come any closer, Elijah! I have made my decision!"

He tried to talk me down, "Leia, we can change. The future will be better, you'll see."

I smiled at him, "I hope it does once I am reborn, but for now, forgive me. I shall hopefully see you in another, more peaceful life. Remember that I will always love you." And with those passing words I jumped into the water and died as I drew in water after hitting my head against a large rock.

Thus Ended My Second Life

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