Great, Our Friends Have Been Kidnapped

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(Alisha POV)

I groaned as I woke up unable to move or speak. I opened my eyes to see that I was in a bathtub with rope around my wrists behind my back and my ankles. I tried to speak, but couldn't because something was over my mouth.

I heard the door open and a chuckle, "Sorry, but I had to put tape over your mouth to prevent you from casting spells." It was Anna coming in to stand over me, "Oh and you won't be able to use your mind either. I've been burning lobelia to prevent you from concentrating. I'm thinking that since you're a Bennet witch, I'm gonna need you to help me perform the spell to open the tomb. I'll be back later today with the grimoire and hopefully your sister, I hear she's a witch as well." I jerked and tried to give her an aneurism, but failed and just slumped over the side of the the bathtub. Anna came over and sat me back up, stroking my hair, "Aw, you know I almost feel bad about doing this to you. Lovelia Fell was always so nice to everyone, so unlike the other townsfolk. I promise not to hurt you as long as you behave."

I looked over to the burning herb on the counter and nodded, knowing I couldn't do anything until the lobelia stopped burning. "Good, then wait here and I promise to be back as soon as I can."

As soon as she was gone I lifted my butt and legs to bring my wrists up to my face and pull off the duct tape. Once that was done, I set to work trying to chew off the ropes. However I heard the door suddenly open and a man I recognized walked in. He snarled and showed his fangs, "Not trying to escape are you, Alisha?" 

I tried to inflict pain on him, but I could barely focus. I did a little damage, probably causing his blood to boil, but not enough to drop him on his knees. So he came over and slammed my head into the wall and I was greeted by darkness once again.

(Mary POV)

Yesterday I had bought myself a flute and had begun today's practice when my phone rang. I answered it without looking at the CallerID, "Hello."

"Good morning, Bloody Mary, want to be my partner in crime today?"

"Why would I want to go anywhere with you, Damon?"

"Well I have Elena and Stefan hunting for the grimoire, I was hoping you would be up to helping me track down anymore stray vampires. The last time I went by myself I got shot with more wooden bullets than I could count."

"Aw, it's sweet that you would want me to tag along with you."

"Don't flatter yourself, you weren't my first choice. I tried to get ahold of Alisha, but she's not answering."

"Yeah well, I think Alisha deserves some time to herself. So, where do you want me to meet you?"

"The town square by the fountain would be great."

"Alright, I'm on my way." I hung up the phone, set down the flute and raced downstairs. "I'm heading out, Miss Wesley!"

"Of course, be safe!"

It took me only ten minutes to get to the town square at my top speed. I found Damon and asked, "So am I to be your ally today or someone you can throw under the bus if things get bad?"

He started walking and I followed, "Don't you worry little vamp, I'm not gonna let you die. You happen to be linked to my current girlfriend who I still can't get ahold of."

I scoffed, "You know that I will never approve of you dating her, but I'm not gonna get in your way. I don't think it's fair to her if you are still trying to free Katherine." I grabbed his arm, forcing him to stop, "Tell me the truth Damon, if you had to choose between Katherine Pierce and Alisha Bennet, who would you pick?"

He studied my eyes and jerked out of my grip, "I love Alisha, she's been my friend forever, but I can't give up on Katherine."

I nodded and continued walking, "Then please, don't get her hopes up. She's been hurt too much over the course of her 2000 years. I just want her in this life to at least have some semblance of happiness. Do you understand that I just want the best for her?"

He jogged up next to me, "And you think I don't! She was the only person in my life who knew me, inside an out, and didn't go running for the hills. I want her to be happy too!"

I sighed looking into Damon's eyes, "Then I beg you, once we free Katherine, you let her go and leave forever."

He nodded, "I will."

I let out a breath of relief, "Thank you."

(Eleanor POV)

I woke up late the next day and got ready to go investigate the man from the Mystic Grill yesterday, Ben McKittrick. I called Mary after getting dresses, "Hey Ellie, what's up?"

"Hey I got a weird vibe off of some guy at the Grill yesterday, I'm gonna try and sniff him out, you in?"

She replied, "I can't, I've decided to play hunter with Damon since Alisha isn't answering her phone."

I was baffled, "Wait, she's still not answering?! Hold up, did you just say you were with Damon?! WILLINGLY?!"

She answered, "Calm down, I'm only helping Damon because he asked nicely and has promised to leave town with Katherine once we open the tomb."

I then whispered, "But what about the grimoire and crystal?"

She sighed, "Elena and Stefan are hunting the grimoire, while Damon and I are going on a secret whatever mission. Have fun hunting down your mystery man."

She hung up and I stomped out of the house, heading to the back entrance of the Grill. I leant down and tried to catch his scent. I finally caught on and began to follow it. As I got further downtown I caught onto Anna's scent as well. I was able to put two and two together, and understand that Ben McKittrick was a vampire and in league with Anna.

I came upon a hotel room and came to the room where the smell was strongest and tried to listen inside. I couldn't hear much, but I could hear slow breathing. I took out my phone and tried to call Alisha only to feel my heart drop hearing her ringtone come from inside the room. They had Alisha and that's why she hadn't talked to anyone in days.

Now I backed away from the door to reach a safe distance because I wasn't stupid enough to take on two vampires with a hostage without backup. I retreated down the sidewalk and noticed Anna, coming toward me, carrying something.

I pretended to unlock another room door, but I actually broke the lock and entered the, thankfully empty, room. I closed the door behind me only to watch it be kicked in by the short vamp, "Well we meet again, Jeremy's friend."

I growled, flashing my golden eyes, which seemed to unnerve the girl as she backed up a couple of steps, "Are you sure you want to mess with me? Give me Alisha and I won't kill you."

She flashed her vampire eyes, "I don't think so, I still need her."

She rushed at me and I grabbed her arm, snapping it before throwing her into the opposite wall. I grabbed the book she was carrying and my eyes widened, "I'm guessing you want this more than Alisha?"

Anna got up and snapped her arm back into place, then demanded, "Give it to me!"

I gripped it, "Give me Alisha and I'll give this to you."

I saw her weigh the options in her head, before rushing at me and punching me in the gut, "No deal." I coughed up blood and collapsed on the floor she stood above me, picking up the book, "I think I'll keep both, as well as take you as a bonus."

Before I knew it, her boot collided with my face and I felt nothing anymore.

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