Opening the Tomb

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(Alisha POV)

Bonnie finally came back with the supplies that we needed as Stefan climbed out of the tomb, "Cleared the debris away. Set the torches like you asked. We can get down now."

Bonnie looked at the gasoline that Stefan brought and asked, "What is that?"

He replied simply, "It's everything I need to destroy them."

Stefan handed Grams a flashlight and asked, "Are you sure that Damon will come back with her?"

I heard a whistle as Damon arrived with everyone else. "Brother. Witches."

I decided to entertain him, "Damon. So glad you and Marylin decided to join us."

He locked eyes with me, "Oh I doubt that."

Stefan went over to Elena and held her, "Everything ok?"

She replied, "I just want to get this over with. Are we ready?"

Bonnie looked at me and I nodded, "I guess so."

We went down into the tomb and I walked over to the torches, "Incendia." I walked into the middle and nodded to Grams, "I'm ready."

She came over to me and put me to sleep, knowing that was the state I had to be in for the door to open. I embraced the darkness and awaited to be awoken again.

(Eleanor POV)

I watched as Sheila put Alisha to sleep and looked at my messages to see Alisha had texted me ten minutes ago. The message read, "Once Damon goes into the tomb I want you to snap Marylin's neck so that she cannot follow. No vampires are leaving the tomb tonight and I don't want Marylin to be one of them."

I took a breath before deleting the message as Mary asked, "Who was that?"

"Jeremy," I replied, "He wants me to meet him at the party that's going on up there. However I'd rather stay here and watch the show."

Sheila laid Alisha nicely on the ground before chanting, "Air. Earth. Fire."

Bonnie held up a water bottle, "Water." Sheila took it and poured it over Alisha.

Elena asked, "That's it? Just water from the tap?"

"As opposed to what child?"

I smiled as Elena replied, "I just figured maybe it would have to be blessed or mystical or something."

Sheila smirked as I looked over to Marylin and then up to Damon as he pulled out a blood bag. I asked, "What's that for?"

"It's for Katherine. Gotta have something to get her going unless you or Elena want to offer up a vein to tap." 

I groaned and looked away as Bonnie spoke up, "We're ready." I tensed as she and Sheila locked hands over Alisha and began chanting. Alisha's whole body began to glow orange. I asked, "What are they saying?"

Stefan answered, "Sounds Latin."

Elena shook her head, "I don't think that's Latin."

I jumped back as the torches flared up and the door to the tomb slowly creaked open. They stopped chanting, but Alisha remained unconscious and glowing. Bonnie smiled, "It worked!"

"Of course it worked."

Damon looked at Stefan, "We have some fires to build."

Stefan touched Elena's shoulder before responding, "I'm gonna go get the gasoline, I'll be right back."

I noticed Marylin look up at Damon before following Stefan, "I'll help!" I kept my eyes on them as they left the tomb, only to then hear Damon ask, "You ready?"

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