I'll Be Home For Christmas

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(Alisha POV)

Christmas was different this year, our house was full of people I had never met before. Bonnie and I spent most of that time in our rooms unable to hear anymore people tell us how wonderful we are for being strong after losing Grams.

It angered me so much.

But to cheer everyone up, Caroline came up with an idea for a Secret Santa gift exchange. We all drew names out of a hat and I pulled out Bonnie's name. I smiled knowing exactly what my gift to her would be, but first I needed to make a trip to New Orleans.

I was packing up my stuff and grabbing a few things from the clubhouse before heading out. I was walking down the street when someone called, "Where are you headed to?"

I turned around only to continue walking, "Nowhere that concerns you, Stefan. I'm just going to pick up a little something for the Secret Santa thing."

"Are you sure you don't need any help with that?"

I smirked, "Can you give me a ride to the airport?"

"Sure." We went to the Salvatore house and I hopped into the car. 

He gave me a ride to the next town over and dropped me off at the gate. I hopped out of the car, "Thanks Stefan, I'll call you when I get back."

He got out, "Where exactly are you planning on going?"

I smiled, "Somewhere I once grew up. I left an item there that would be perfect for my Secret Santa recipient. Don't worry about me, I'll call you every day so you won't get worried mom."

Stefan smirked, holding up his hands, "Alright, alright I get it. When will you be back?"

I sighed, "A week tops and if not, I'll be home for Christmas. It might take a little work finding it. Call you later, I don't wanna miss my flight." I grabbed my stuff and checked into the ticket gate, walked through security and sat down in my seat on the flight.

Once I landed, I called for a cab, "So miss, where you headed?"

I smirked, getting in the back, "I'm headed to the French Quarter. I'd like to be dropped off at Rousseau's."

"Ah, I know just the place! You have good taste miss." He started driving and asked, "So you just visiting or finally home?"

I grinned looking out the window, answering, "A little bit of both." I pulled off one of my gloves and whispered an incantation to cause it to start lightly snowing. I thought it provided the perfect atmosphere for a homecoming.

The cab finally stopped and I got out of the car, grabbing my stuff, and paying the nice man. I walked into Rousseau's and smiled as the music filled my ears. I walked up to the bar and asked, "Excuse me? Can I get one Candy Cane Vodka?"

The blonde working the bar gave me a once over, analyzing me before nodding, "Sure, what's your name?"

I rolled my eyes, "You always ask people their names without giving your own?"

She placed my drink in front of me, "You're guarded aren't you? Cautious?"

I scoffed, "How could you tell? Was it my untrusting nature? Or perhaps my less than ladylike personality?"

She smiled back, holding out a hand, "I'm Camille, but you can call me Cammie."

I looked at her hand a minute before shaking, "Alisha; pleasure to meet you Camille."

I took another sip as Camille asked, "So, are you just visiting or coming home?"

I chuckled, "You're the second person to ask me that today, but I guess I'll give you the same answer. It's a little bit of both."

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