Days of Reckoning

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(Alisha POV)

I woke up and the sun had started to rise. Damon was gone and I was alone in his bed. I knew I had school, but I honestly didn't feel like going. I got up out of bed and my muscles then began to ache and burn, obviously an after affect from Emily's spell.

I managed to find a towel and decided to take a bath to soothe the muscles. I used a small spell to transport some lavender oil and eucalyptus salt from my medicines closet at the Waterfront house. I poured then into the warm water along with the bubbles and climbed in after tying my hair up.

The water was so heavenly, I hadn't realized I fell asleep until I was dreaming again. I was back in 1864, two days before the Founder's Ball. I had become cold to the world around me, walking through town killing everyone with the daggers shooting from my eyes. I had thought long and hard about what had recently occurred and whether or not I should forgive my friends. If I were to forgive them, who I would forgive first and who I would continue to ignore? I arrived home from the market one day to find a bouquet of yellow roses and a large box laying on the front porch.

I picked it up and brought it up to my room before reading the card, 

Miss Lovelia Fell,

I hate the way I acted the night I walked you home from the Boarding House. I do not want us to remain enemies forever, I miss and cherish your friendship. I have ever since you found me by the Falls and nursed my wounds when I was eight and you were six. I hoped to work up the courage to give these to you in person, but I was too afraid that you would reject me if I waited at your front door for you to return. So I present you a bouquet of yellow roses as a symbol of our friendship and in the box a gift to hopefully encourage you to reconsider going to the Founder's Ball with me. I will wait tirelessly through the night to for your response.

Your Friend Forever,

Mr. Damon Salvatore

I smiled putting down the letter and ordered June to fetch an empty vase. Once I had arranged the roses and made up my mind to forgive him, but I decided to open the large box, curious as to what he got me. I gasped as my eyes met the most beautiful yellow ballgown I had ever seen.

I dropped everything and ran out of the house toward the Salvatore Estate. I did not stop for a breath, until I had reached the door. I thanked Mr. Salvatore for inviting me inside and even allowed me up to Damon's room whether he was sleeping or not.

I ran up the stairs and smiled, up until the moment I opened the door. Damon lay sleeping naked, as was Katherine, who was sleeping beside him. My heart sank and I could feel myself drowning.

I don't remember if I closed the door or not, all I remember was running back down the stairs and out of the house as quickly as I had come. I don't know how far I ran before my legs couldn't take me any farther and I had to clutch onto a tree for support. My vision was blurry from tears and I was afraid everyone could hear my pained wails of sorrow, but I didn't care. All I knew was that I was in pain and I didn't want it.

Why was I always in pain? Why must I constantly carry such a curse around with me? Was it my fault? How could it be? The only thing I've ever wanted was for someone to love me back. I never stole anyone's boyfriend and I was willing to wait, but not like this. It couldn't possibly be my fault, so whose fault was it? 

My mind landed only only one person, and then the water in drowning in my heart froze around it. Katherine Pierce; after everything I did for her as Lila, she had the audacity to take every once of happiness from my life as Lovelia now. Her promises of us becoming sisters were all lies. She never intended to share her beautiful immortal life or the Salvatores with me and her treachery would not go unpunished.

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