Stubborn, Small Town People

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(Alisha POV)

I rushed home in order to shower and change clothes before heading over to Caroline's house to see if she had the crystal. Sheriff Forbes was the one to answer the door, "Alisha, I was just heading to work, where were you yesterday?"

"I'm sorry, Sheriff, but I really need to talk to Caroline." I tried to push aside her into the house, but she grabbed me and stared into my eyes. After a moment she turned me around and handcuffed me, "Sheriff! What are you doing?"

"Taking you down to the station with me, I want to know where you've been and why you, an underage teen, have alcohol in your system?"

"But I haven't done anything!" I shouted and she shoved me into the back of her car.

She climbed into the driver's seat, sighing, "I know you kids get into trouble, but you of all people can't lie to me. I can smell the alcohol on your breath."

I frowned as I was thrown into a holding cell as Sheriff Forbes called my father about the discovery of alcohol on my breath. However Grams and Bonnie were the ones to actually come and pick me up.

According to my father I would be spending the next week under house arrest with Grams and would only be allowed to leave for school. 

I texted Eleanor and Marylin, informing them about getting caught and I hadn't gotten the crystal back. Grams was powerful as a witch as I spent my imprisonment talking to her and sharing stories with her about our powerful magic.

School was so annoying as Caroline walked around and talked nonstop about the sexy suds car wash. The only thing I hated worse was the fact that my sister got me roped into it too and had to go bikini shopping after school. Of course, since Tyler was on the football team, Eleanor had been roped in too.

So the next day the two of us were both at the car wash, along with Marylin who decided to join as a way to discreetly practice her compulsion on the jocks and prissy cheerleaders in attendance. After a while she asked, "So how long can a vampire go without blood before they die?"

I shrugged, "They don't, the longer a vampire goes without blood the weaker they get and eventually their body will begin to shut down. Eventually the vampire will desiccate, not dead just trapped in the body of a living corpse until blood is reintroduced to the vampire to free them. Why?"

She frowned, scrubbing the car we were working on harder, "That means that Damon is still alive. Have you even asked Stefan what he plans on doing with Damon's body?"

The idea came to mind and I looked around, noticing him hanging out with Elena, and said, "No, but I'll be right back with the answer." I came over to Stefan and tapped him on the shoulder, "Hey Stefan, can you help me grab some more towels from the supply closet? Caroline's orders."

He nodded, "Yeah, sure."

I led him inside the supply closet and closed the door behind us, locking it with magic. He asked, clearly confused, "Alisha, what's this about?"

I folded my arms, "I just wanted to ask you a few questions where no one would overhear us. What are you planning to do with Damon now that he's weak and trapped? It's been four days."

He sighed, "I'm planning on keeping him in the basement, weak with vervain until he desiccates. Then I'll move him to the Salvatore Family crypt and reawaken him in fifty years. I eventually want my brother back, and I can't figure out another way to do that, please understand?"

I nodded, unlocking and opening the door, "Thank you for being honest, you are free to leave once you grab the towels."

I grabbed my share and was about to walk out when he grabbed my arm. "Wait Alisha," he sighed before continuing, "I just want to let you know that I'm sorry for everything you've been through and if you ever need to talk to anyone, I'm here and I always will be."

I smiled back at him, "Thank you for saying that." I turned and walked back outside, relaying the information back to Mary and Ellie, who were angry at first before Mary mentioned that when Stefan does release Damon she would be right there to kick his ass if he messed up again.

We had a great time chatting and washing until a car caught on fire and I ran over to it. I saw Bonnie in a trance, staring at the flames. I gasped, "She's using magic she doesn't know how to control." I raced over to her, watching Stefan knock her out of it as I extinguished the flames. "Bonnie, are you ok?"

She looked over at me nodding before turning to Stefan, "No one saw did they?" He shook his head and she pleaded, "Don't tell anybody."

I took my older sister in my arms, "He won't. Come on, let's get you to Grams she'll explain. I looked over at Stefan, "I got her."

He nodded and I loaded her into the passenger's seat, allowing Mary and Ellie to climb in the backseat. I drove to Grams' and dropped her off as soon as she was safely inside. Eleanor sensed my distress and asked, "Is she going to be ok?"

I sighed, "Yeah as long as she's with Grams I won't worry. However, she's a new witch and that means she needs to learn control. It's easy for me because I technically have two thousand years of practice, but I can't help but worry about her. Her life will never be normal again."

Mary came and took my hand while Ellie drew me into a hug. After crying a little we all loaded back into the car and drove back into town. I dropped the other two off before driving back to Grams'. When I came in, I asked Grams, "Is she going to be ok?"

She took my hand and sat me down, "She's a little shaken, but resting upstairs. You don't have to worry, I will train her to be just like all her ancestors; powerful, strong, and forces for good."

I chuckled, "You're right there, she did descend from one of the most powerful witches on earth. You Bennet witches have always inspired and saved so many lives. I only wish I can one day inspire such greatness, just like my sister."

Grams drew me into a hug, "I'm sure you will, besides you were born a Bennet in this life, you are family now and forever will be, at least in my book."

I smiled, "Thank you for saying that. I should get some rest too, goodnight Sheila."

"Goodnight Layisha."

I went upstairs and was about to go to my room when I heard sniffling come from Bonnie's room. I changed into my pajamas before going into her room and crawled into bed next to her. I took her hand and whispered, "I'm here for you when you need me, goodnight Bonnie."

She whispered back, squeezing my hand back, "Thank you, Alisha."

I snickered, "Fear not you are a Bennet and we are incredibly stubborn. We'll get through this together as a family."

She chuckled and we both fell asleep, dreaming about the wonders of the magic we were blessed with.

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