Two Seriously Pissed Off Vamps = The Perfect Team

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(Marylin POV)

I had already searched half the town from top to bottom and there was no sign of the witch or the werewolf. I called Damon and he asked, "You find anything?"

I answered, "No, I've already searched half the town and found nothing. What about you? Stefan have the journal?"

"No, apparently it was stolen from right under your history teacher's nose, but I'm chasing down a lead at the Grill if you want to meet me there. Maybe the person who took the journal also has your friends."

I sighed, "Ok, I'm on my way. See you in five." I hung up and headed for the Grill.

I walked in and saw Damon sitting at the bar. I made my way over to him and leaned on the bar next to him, "Ok, so where's this lead of yours?"

He whispered back, without turning around, "That girl with Jeremy Gilbert is named Anna and I know her from 1864, which means she's older and stronger than the both of us."

I looked over at the girl and asked, "You said Anna? The night of the decade dance she was there trying to flirt with Jeremy. Eleanor thinks she was the one who actually kidnapped Alisha that night. It would make sense, she failed to get Alisha the first time and didn't fail he second and when I talked to Eleanor this morning she said she was going to track down some guy she got a weird vibe off of. What if Eleanor was actually tracking down a vampire and got caught because Anna's not working alone?"

I heard Damon smirk, handing me a drink, "Beautifully deduced my new fanged friend. Now all we have to do is wait till she leads us back to where she's staying, then we jump her."

I smirked and took a seat next to Damon listening in on the conversation between the young Gilbert and the she-vamp until they parted ways and Damon and I got up to follow her. I managed to swipe a knife from one of the tables on our way out.

She led us back to a motel room and as soon as she entered Damon entered first, grabbing her throat. She then grabbed Damon's throat and I sliced a bit of it before holding the knife up to her face, "Give up or I slice your whole hand off."

Anna scoffed and held up her hands, "Ok, I give."

Damon released her throat, rubbing his, "Damn. You're strong for a little thing."

She smirked at him, "I was wondering how long it would take you to find me." She then looked at me, "And who might you be?"

I showed her my tattoo, "Oh, just the vampire linked to Alisha Bennet and Eleanor Lockwood, where might they be?"

She gestured over to the bathroom, "They're in there."

I gave Damon the knife and went in to find Eleanor passed out on the floor and Alisha slumped over in the bathtub. I untied Eleanor and carried her out of the bathroom. I laid her on the closest bed feeding her my blood and stroking her hair, "Hey, you're gonna be ok." Once I was convinced she was ok I went back into the bathroom and undid Alisha's bindings. She looked up at me and I smiled helping her up, "Hey, how you feeling?"

She groaned, "I'm good now, I'm happy you got my message."

I sat her on the bed next to Ellie and chuckled, "Oh you mean my tattoo literally trying to burn me to death? Yeah, I got it. By the way, your voicemail box is full." I saw the rope marks on both my friends and anger boiled up in my stomach. I took a shaky breath before attacking Anna, "You are going to pay for hurting them!" I bit into Anna and began drinking from her, remembering that I could've killed Damon if I kept drinking from him.

However Ana only shoved me away and gasped, "What the hell? Vampires don't drink from other vampires."

Damon helped me up and then looked at Anna, "Sorry, this one has grown accustomed to drinking supernatural blood, whether it be witch blood or vampire blood. but she'll behave now that she's gotten that little bit of revenge out of her system."

I gave Anna one last glare before going back over to Alisha. Together we picked up Eleanor and loaded her into Damon's car. Damon tossed me the keys, "Take them home and then drop the car off at my place, I got something i need to take care of."

I nodded, "Have fun with that."

I got into the driver's seat and drove Eleanor home first. Alisha decided to stay with her until she woke up, so I drove Damon's car back to the Boarding House and waited for him to come back.

When he did, I was surprised to see him so angry. He came in, poured himself a burbon and sat down on the couch, ignoring my presence. I decided to ask, "What happened?"

I took out an old book, flipping trough it, "Stefan and Elena betrayed me, they were hoping to find the spell to open the tomb and destroy it before I could get Katherine back."

I was shocked, "What? But I thought they were going to help you."

He scoffed, "So did I."

I slumped back down and sighed, "Wow, what a jerk move." I took out Damon's keys and set them on the grimoire, "Thanks for everything you did today. I'm sorry that it ended badly for you. Have fun reading."

I got up, but Damon grabbed my hand. I looked back at him, "At least you didn't betray me, Bloody Mary; in fact, being with you was the highlight of my day. You can stay the night if you want. My alcohol stash is all yours."

I smiled, "Well thanks for the compliment and the offer, but I need to get back to the girls and make sure they're ok. Mind if I take a bottle to go?"

He smirked, releasing my hand, "Not at all. Have a good night, little vamp."

I grabbed a bottle of burbon and called back, "You too, psycho vamp!"

(Eleanor POV)

I jumped awake, which was not a good idea. I immediately doubled over in sore pain. Alisha was suddenly at my side, "Oh thank god you're awake! Lie back down, you're still healing. I promise that you're safe."

I took a few breaths, looking around at my room, confused, "No, I was beaten trying to save you. She got the best of me and I was bleeding."

Alisha drew me into a hug, "Calm down, while you were unconscious I sent out a desperate message to Marylin and she saved us with Damon."

I calmed down immediately, "I'm ok, are you ok?"

She chuckled, "I'm fine, I was hoping to stay the night though. being taken prisoner kinda takes a lot out of you. Marylin ought to be back soon, she just went to return Damon's car."

I smiled, "I think a sleepover is definitely in order. But if you don't mind, I'm taking a shower first."

Alisha giggled, "No problem, have fun washing off the dried blood."

I rolled my eyes, "Yeah sure."

After getting out of the shower the girls and I all crawled into my bed and shared our stories about what happened the past couple days before all falling asleep.

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