Locked in the 1864

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(Alisha POV)

I awoke to my sister waking me gently, "Lovelia, you must get up. You promised to have tea at the Salvatore Boarding House with Miss Pierce at noon."

I slowly sat up and walked behind my curtain to change into that day's dress, "What time is it?"

"Almost ten, you really must get over that nasty habit of sleeping all day."

I snorted, "I don't sleep all day, Honoria, just through the cold dreary morning." I called my handmaiden, "June, can you come in and help me get ready? I wish to be on time to see Miss Pierce."

June, came into the room, "Yes, my lady. Which dress would you like to wear?"

"The peach gown please."

By the time I was changed and my hair was done, I still had an hour before I had to meet Miss Katherine. I went toward the front door calling back, "Honoria, I'm leaving and taking June with me! I do not know when I will return!"

I heard her call back from the study, "Alright, take care and give my regards to Miss Pierce!"

"I shall!" I rolled my eyes, "Come June, I wish to take a walk before heading to the Boarding House."

"Yes, Miss Fell."

I took the scenic route to the Boarding House and of course used my manners whenever I passed someone on the street. When I made it to the Boarding House, walking up the steps, someone came up behind me and cupped their hands over my eyes, "Guess who?"

I sighed, smiling all the while, "You should be careful when you sneak up behind someone Damon."

I turned around to meet his smile as he asked, "Why? It's not like you're going to hurt me."

I shook my head, "No, I wouldn't even if I could."

"What brings you to the Boarding House today, Miss Fell?"

I smirked, "Please Damon, we've known each other for years would it kill you to call me by my name?"

"I could, but your name is just so hard to say."

I rolled my eyes and turned to walk inside, "Good day, Mr. Salvatore."

Damon came running up next to me, "You never could take a joke could you, Lovelia. What's wrong?" I ignored him and continued up the stairs, he finally grabbed my arm and stopped me by pushing me up against the side of the staircase, "Come on, Lia, you know I was joking. Can I escort you to where you're going?"

"I'm already here, I came to have tea with Katherine and I assume she is expecting me. As I said good day Damon."

I pulled away from him and knocked on Katherine's door. It opened to reveal Emily, "Miss Fell, Miss Pierce has been expecting you. Please come in."

I was escorted inside and sat down across from my friend, "Apologies for my tardiness Katherine, Damon decided to tease me in the front yard."

She smiled softly, "Well I guess I can let it slide, considering that you love him."

I froze, "Who told you that?"

She giggled, "Please, it's not hard to figure out. Your tolerance for his horrible manners, the longing stares when he isn't looking, and Stefan told me you've fancied him ever since you learned what love was."

I frowned and slammed my fist down onto the table, "That little traitor, he promised not to tell anyone." I stood up and walked over to the window, "I'm sorry Katherine, nothing  against you, it's just that I'm not used to revealing my feelings to anyone." 

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