Reflections of the Salvatores

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(Stefan POV)

I couldn't believe it, she went behind my back and created another vampire! Doesn't she know how dangerous that is? I sat on my bed thinking about everything that had happened tonight, trying to organize my thoughts. Damon had been invited into Elena's house, Alisha created another vampire and now had a posse behind her to take down Damon.

I took out my diary and started writing, hoping it would help;

Dear Diary,

I thought that I had just gotten a friend back from the dead, but it became apparent to me tonight that she does not trust me and even went behind my back to create another vampire. She declared war against Damon if he doesn't leave town by tomorrow night. 

I want her to trust me and let me in on what she's planning, but I don't know what I should do. Alisha may be a witch in this life and powerful enough to protect herself and her friends, but I don't want her to risk her life unnecessarily and I definitely don't want her to die by Damon's hand. Right now, I need to focus on protecting Elena, but I promise to keep an eye on Alisha and keep her at a distance like she wants me too. I just hope that one day Alisha will come to trust me again.

I set down my diary and picked up Katherine's picture before making my way over to my bookshelf and pulled out a photo of Lovelia. It was a picture she had taken with me in Chicago, her smile as bright as I remember, but there was something different about her now. I pictured Alisha in my mind from tonight, her eyes were cold and emotionless; she was so unlike Lovelia. Lovelia, even as a vampire, never wanted to hurt anyone and even refused to, but Alisha was ready to kill at a moment's notice and not have any remorse. I placed her photo back in the bookshelf and went to bed, promising to figure everything out tomorrow.

(Damon POV)

Alisha was definitely different than Lovelia, she was able to threaten me and not bat an eye, unlike Monday where she did hold a bit of fear. The fear I saw then was completely gone tonight. She was serious about the threat she made; she and her new friends were no doubt willing to kill me if it meant protecting the witch. Alisha had been the one to link them together and they now shared power that I could only imagine. I was at a serious disadvantage, but if I could somehow get them to split up then I could pick them off one by one. However, I would also need a shield of some kind.

I thought and as soon as the idea came to my head I smirked; Elena. If I compelled Elena, the little musketeers couldn't get close to me without the danger of possibly hurting Elena. I could only assume that since Elena looked like Katherine and how much Lovelia had cared about Katherine; she wouldn't want Elena hurt. But that was suggesting that she remembered Katherine and still cared about her. It was a gamble that I was willing to take. 

Thinking about Katherine and Lovelia reminded me of something that Lovelia had given me before leaving Mystic Falls, after Stefan had forced her to complete the transition as he had done with me. I went into my bedside table to pull out a small chest. Inside was an extinct flower encased in amber. For years I had wondered what the significance was behind it, but never had the courage to hunt Lovelia down and ask. Now I could, but would I want to? Would I like the answer? 

I placed the flower back in its spot and went to bed, haunted by dreams of a certain albino Fell and a wickedly beautiful doppelgänger from 1864.

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