Divide and Conquer

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(Alisha POV)

I woke up to find myself at the Waterfront House and called, "Mary! Ellie! Are you there?"

Mary sped to my bedside, "Hey, are you ok?"

I took a shaky breath, "How did I get here?"

"Well first, what's the last thing you remember?"

My eyes widened, "I was talking with a vampire I recognized from 1864. Her name was Annabelle and her mother was one of the vampires taken and put in the tomb, which means she's back because she wants to free her mother, but I had her pinned against a wall." I then reached up to touch my head, "Someone attacked me from behind, she's not working alone."

Mary placed a hand on mine, "We know, the Salvatores caught her helper and killed him, but this girl, Anna, is still out there."

Eleanor came in smiling, "We don't know where she is, but we know what she's after." She sat down next to Mary, "She's after the Gilbert journal."

I shot up and went to change, "Then we have to get it, the Gilbert journal must have the location of Emily's grimoire. If they find it then they'll no doubt figure out they need me to open the tomb." I took out a map and some ash from my spell closet. I also searched through my jewelry box to pull out the lapis lazuli choker I had when I was Lovelia.

Mary looked at me like I was crazy, "What are you doing?"

"I have the means of finding the grimoire before anyone by performing a little locator spell using something that Emily made herself." I walked downstairs into the empty room and laid the map of Mystic Falls down on the floor. I prepared the spell and held up the necklace, "Emily made this for me when I became a vampire, it's a daylight choker. With this I can draw on it's power to lead me, hopefully to where Emily's grimoire is." I took several breaths before beginning, "Anta Cotis Syrum. Anta Cotis Syrum. Anta Cotis Syrum."

I continued chanting until I finally found the location, "It's at the cemetery. Let's grab some shovels, we might have to dig up some old graves."

Mary spoke first, "Great, what a history lesson it is to be."

Eleanor shook her head, "Well I didn't think I'd be spending my day digging up graves."

I smiled, stuffing the lapis lazuli choker into my back pocket, "Well ladies let's go digging."

(Eleanor POV)

So us girls were at the cemetery digging up one old Gilbert grave after the next. After a bit Alisha threw down her shovel, "This doesn't make any sense! The grimoire should be here. If the Gilberts hid the grimoire and my locator spell led me here, then I would assume it was buried with a Gilbert. We have searched every Gilbert grave and nothing!"

I dropped my shovel and Mary walked over to her, "Look let's take a break for today and come back tomorrow, after we put the graves back to normal."

I stood up, "Can you two do that yourselves? I got a gift from my father that I've been meaning to scope out."

Alisha nodded, "Yeah go ahead, Mary and I'll clean up the mess."

I ran over bringing them into a group hug, "Thank you and I'm sorry to run off like this." 

Mary patted me on the shoulder, "Go before I decide to have you stick around and play fetch with me."

I snickered and ran off, digging into the pocket of my blue leather jacket. I pulled out the map of the Lockwood tunnels and began my search. I came upon the first little tunnel, well it was more like a cave. I walked down the stairs and into the gated area. I gasped as I looked around seeing signs of a struggle and various scratches on the wall and rusted chains lying everywhere. I was finally able to breathe and thought out loud, rubbing the moonlight ring Alisha gave me after I turned, "How out of control would I be without the ring?"

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