The Diary of a Witch (Part 2)

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Dear Diary,

In my third life I was born as a common human living in servitude to the Lady Aurora De' Martel. My name in that life was Lucretia Fields. Aurora was very beautiful and adored by her father and brother, however she would forever blame herself for her mother's death giving birth to her. Lucien Castle was one of my friends and we would often spend any free moments we had with one another talking about our dreams and wishes. While others would make fun of my appearance, he would praise me for being different than everyone else, although I knew he loved the gorgeous Aurora. On the other hand, every once in a while I would spend my nights with the handsome yet sadistic Tristan De' Martel. I loved him, even though I knew he was only using me to satisfy his own sexual needs.

Everything changed when Lucien Castle returned from supposedly escorting the children of some lord to the castle. I knew it was a lie, of course, as soon as I saw Rebekah in the most beautiful blue dress I had ever seen. I was shocked to see all of them, that is the Originals, standing before me and so soon after I had been reborn. I should have left the room right then and there, but I just stood there like an idiot and allowed Elijah to notice me. Of course as he was being introduced to the Count De' Martel, I attempted to make myself scarce only to be called to by the Count De' Martell himself, "Lucretia, go and fetch my children at once and do not return without them!"

I could only turn around and bow, as any servant would, "Of course, your grace."

I went to fetch Aurora first before we both went to get Tristan and return to the main hall. Upon our return I allowed the two noble children to walk in in front of me, creating a barrier so that hopefully no one would approach me. However, Aurora and Tristan soon left my side to join the party and I was alone again. As soon as I no longer had my barrier, Elijah cornered me, "Pardon me, but have we met before?"

I bowed, lowering my head, "No, my lord, I have been in servitude to the Martels ever since I was a child. I have only ever lived here."

"What is your name?"

"Lucretia Fields, my lord, just a simple servant who does not deserve to be spoken to by a lord such as yourself, please excuse me." I swiftly walked away and hid myself behind one of the pillars, to catch my breath. He was more handsome then I remembered, but I loved Tristan.

Lucien then came to my aid, seeing that I was distressed, "Lucretia, are you alright?"

I shook my head, "No, Lucien, the lord Elijah approached me and began talking to me and I fear that I will be punished for talking to a noble of his status."

Lucien took my hands in his, "Do not worry, I will not let anyone harm you my dear friend. We have always protected one another ever since we were children, this time will be no different."

I nodded and squeezed his hands back before we released each other and stood in silence watching the party play out into the night. I could feel Lucien's hatred come off him in waves while I smiled watching the Mikaelsons blend in and enjoy the party. Each of the Mikaelsons came to talk to me, but with Lucien now by my side it was easier to lie about not knowing them. Finally, at the end of the night Tristan called me to escort him and Aurora back to their rooms.

That night I spent in the arms of the man I loved only to have conflicting dreams about Elijah, Lucien and Tristan. I snuck out before sunrise, as I usually did to make myself decent for the day ahead. I was usually sore walking back, but this particular morning my back felt more sore than usual, which I just chalked up to Tristan. I just barely made it back to the servant's quarters before feeling sick and throwing up. I suddenly became short of breath and tried to call out for Lucien. My pleas were finally answered, but by Niklaus, who eventually brought me to Lucien. Lucien took my head in his hands trying to get me to focus on his eyes, but my head just pounded, "Lucretia, what's wrong? Can you hear me?"

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