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(Alisha POV)

I spent the rest of the afternoon drinking with Lexi and Stefan before heading to the Mystic Grill to party even more. Lexi and I danced and caught up on her life including her lover, human turned vampire. Lexi even had a good talk with Elena about getting back together with Stefan.

I got drunk and had to be carried out of the Grill by Eleanor and Marylin, we sat at a bench across the street, waiting for Ms. Wesley to come pick us up.

Eleanor smirked at my drunken state, "Had a good day?"

I giggled, "Yeah, I did." I stood up shakily and grabbed her shoulders, "I know you blame yourself for Vicki, but let me tell you that it was not your fault. It was Damon's fault because he was the one who turned her and allowed her to complete her transformation. I can tell you that Vicki died happily and in peace. I know that might not take away all the guilt that you feel, but I am right here as well as Mary whenever you need us." I hugged her and brought Mary into the hug as well, "We are linked, which means that whatever happens to one of us happens to all of us. For the rest of time we look out for each other, you understand?"

They both nodded and I watched as the police surrounded the Grill. Mary turned around, "What the hell is going on?"

I shook my head, "I don't know, but I don't like it considering there are three vampires in there and one of them wouldn't hesitate to kill fifty police officers." 

I straightened my back and tried to stomp towards the Grill only to stumble and have to be caught by the vampire before hitting the pavement. "Hey, take it easy. You might be a witch, but you are definitely drunk and can't save anyone. Let me go see what's going on."

Eleanor grabbed onto me, "You might not have to."

I watched in horror as the Sheriff and her deputies dragged Lexi out of the Grill. She sprung awake and knocked out both deputies, going after Liz next only to be staked by Damon and die right in front of me. Before I could scream I was whisked away by Mary and collapsed in a dark alley, "No. No! NO, NO, NO! SHE CAN'T BE DEAD!"

Marylin came back with Eleanor and I shoved them away crying my eyes out and throwing magic around at anything and everything in anger. I stood up and knew what I had to do, but Ellie stood in my way. "Get out of my way Eleanor."

She shook her head, "Nope, this exact situation happened once. I let you go the last time, but this time I won't."


Mary came to stand next to her, "We aren't going to let you go, you nearly killed yourself last time and even more reason not to let you go is that you're still drunk. Yeah you might be fighting the hangover off now, but what will happen in a couple hours. I'm not willing to take that risk and neither is Ellie, despite every fiber in our beings telling us to run the other way."

Before I could protest Mary came up and knocked me out and I slipped into the calming darkness of unconsciousness.

(Eleanor POV)

After knocking Alisha out we took her to her Gram's house. When she opened the door, she asked, "What happened?"

I decided to answer, "An old friend came into town to celebrate Stefan's birthday and then was killed. She lost control of her magic and attempted to take revenge. We didn't want her to overexert herself, so we knocked her out."

Grams nodded, stepping aside, "I understand, take her up to her room." I nodded, looking back at Mary, realizing she couldn't follow. 

Marylin looked at Grams before turning her gaze back to me, "I respect that I'm a vampire and she doesn't want me in her house. I can wait out here, you just make sure she's safe and comfortable."

I nodded, walking Alisha's unconscious form up the stairs. I laid her down on her bed, took off her shoes, and then tucked her in. I passed Mrs. Bennet on the way out and nodded, "Please take care of her when she wakes up? She might not be herself."

The old witch nodded, "I know very well how to deal with Alisha as well as Layisha. Thank you for being her friend."

I nodded, "I do what I can, have a good night Mrs. Bennet."

(Mary POV)

I stood outside and looked up and the stars, how could Damon keep killing other people willy-nilly? Didn't anything matter to him?

"I will never become like Damon," I said, making the promise to me and whoever was out there listening.

After a bit Eleanor came out and we walked back into town together. She was the one to break the silence, "What should we do now? I mean, those campers, Coach Tanner, Vicki Donovan, those kids at the cemetary, and now Lexi? When will it end?"

I shrugged, "I don't know, but I want Damon gone as soon as possible, but I don't want to make a move against him without Alisha." I sighed, "I just want to go home and forget this day ever happened." Ellie nodded, hugging me, before taking off back toward her mansion. 

When I got home I took out my phone and went through the photos I took when we were at the Grill for Stefan's birthday. I stopped on a picture I took of Lexi dancing with Alisha and I smiled sadly, "I know I only knew you for a day, but I'm glad I met you Lexi. If you can hear me, please look after Stefan and Alisha. Whether I care to admit or not, they both need you, and so do I."

I placed my phone on my bedside table and listened to make sure Hannah was asleep before bursting into tears. I cried for Lexi, Stefan, Alisha, and maybe a little for me as well. Someone like Alexia Branson deserved to live until the world collapsed around us and I was going to miss her.

(Lexi POV)

I was dead and Damon had killed me. After passing to the Other Side, I made my way back to Mystic Falls and went to check on everyone. Stefan had decided to let Damon live, but was heartbroken. Alisha was sleeping soundly in her bed. Out of curiosity, I went to check on Marylin and was surprised to find her sitting on her bed looking at a picture of me and Alisha. She smiled sadly, "I know I only knew you for a day, but I'm glad I met you, Lexi. If you can hear me, please look after Stefan and Alisha. Whether I care to admit or not, they both need you, and so do I."

I smiled, kneeling down on the floor next to her as she placed her phone down and started crying, "I promise not to leave, but just so you know, I'm always watching."

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