50s Decade Dance

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(Alisha POV)

I was sitting at home watching as Bonnie get ready for the decade dance tonight and I sighed, "You look good Bonnie."

"Thanks, Alisha, are you sure you don't want to come with me? It's going to be fun."

I shook my head, "No, I'm not in the mood for school dances or parties."

She came out from the bathroom and sat down next to me, "Is there something bothering you?"

"Yeah, it's about Damon and I don't know how to feel."

She immediately got concerned, "Did he do anything to you? Did he hurt you?"

"No Bonnie, calm down. He didn't hurt me, but I'm afraid that he will. I think I might be falling for him even after all that he's done and I don't know what to do."

Bonnie sighed, taking my hands, "Look I might not approve of you liking Damon, but I won't condemn you for it. We still have time before Caroline gets here, want to get on that dress you picked out when we went shopping? Who knows, a dance might be the perfect distraction you need tonight."

I smiled, "Ok, give me fifteen minutes."

I came out of the bathroom wearing the light pink dress I had chosen with the pink heels to match

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I came out of the bathroom wearing the light pink dress I had chosen with the pink heels to match. Bonnie and I made quick work of my hair and makeup before Caroline came to pick us up. 

I sat in the back while the two older girls began chatting in their own little world. Suddenly my phone rang and I answered, "Hello?"

"Hello gorgeous, you going to the decade dance tonight?"

"Why would you be interested in a high school dance, Damon?"

"Maybe because Elena was just attacked by our mystery vampire in her own house. He posed as the pizza delivery guy and Jeremy invited him in. So, Elena is going to play live bait at the dance tonight and I was hoping to know if we had some witchy back up."

I smiled, "I'm already on my way. I'll meet you guys there, ok?"

"Roger that and you had better save a dance for me."

"I make no such promises. See you soon, bye." I hung up and watched the street lights go by until we pulled up to the school. Tonight was going to be interesting to say the least.

(Mary POV)

I was surprised when Eleanor told me she had agreed to go to the decade dance with Jeremy Gilbert. I went over and helped her Aunt get her ready for the decade dance and at the last minute, meaning as soon as I walked in the door, Tyler Lockwood asked me to go with him as his date.

I thought why the hell not and agreed, rushing upstairs to then be pricked and pruned by Mrs. Lockwood right alongside Eleanor.

Eleanor wore a gorgeous black and white polkadot dress, while I was shoved into a black top that showed off my midsection, black jeans with a leather jacket to match, and bright red heels.

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