Tragedy and the Days that Follow

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(Alisha POV)

I gasped awake and looked around to see that I wasn't in the tomb, but at Grams' house. I heard screaming coming from upstairs and I sprinted up the stairs to Sheila's room and Eleanor was standing in the doorway. When she saw me, she came over and said, "You don't wanna go in there."

My skin went cold, "What happened?" I struggled against her, "Let go Eleanor!"

She shook her head and tightened her grip, "No, you don't wanna go in there!"

I screamed and used my magic to throw her off, running into the room. I stopped seeing Bonnie flipping through the pages of the grimoire repeating that she could fix it. Elena was behind her, with her arms around my sister. 

I walked around the bed at Grams' unmoving body. I grasped her hand and felt for a pulse, but there was none. Helpless and with no way to bring her back I collapsed on top of Sheila crying and repeating, "No, you're not dead! You can't be dead! No! No! NO!"

When the paramedics finally arrived they had to pry me off of her body and hand me to Eleanor before they could take her away. I pounded my fists into Eleanor's chest, but this time she refused to let go.

(Eleanor POV)

I held onto Alisha as she screamed and cried for Sheila. I noticed Elena doing the same thing for Bonnie. I knew that Alisha and Bonnie would both be traumatized by this night for days to come and we had to prepare for the worst.

(A few days later, Alisha POV)

Bonnie and I were standing in the church just before the funeral, looking down at Sheila laying in her coffin. Bonnie wiped her eyes, "I never thought she'd leave us like that."

I took a breath and looked up to the roof, "She didn't leave willingly. She used too much of her strength opening the seal on the tomb and then saving my life." I looked over at my sister and took her hand, "We are in this together. Do you understand me? I might be 2000 years old, but I'm still your sister. I promise to be there for you."

She looked into my eyes and smiled sadly as her bottom lip quivered, "Thank you."

I nodded and pulled her into a hug. Pastor Young came up to us and informed, "Sorry to interrupt, but some guests have arrived. Do you still need time?"

We separated and Bonnie shook her head, "No, let them in. We're ready." I gave my nod to the pastor as we both sat down in the front pew, joined by our father soon after. Bonnie had been asked to write a eulogy, but she couldn't bring herself to write one, so I did.

As the service progressed it was finally time for me to give my eulogy. I got up and walked up to the podium, overlooking my audience. Most or them, thank god, were people that I knew and that I was comfortable talking to. I cleared my throat beginning, "Well first and foremost, I would like to thank you all for coming. Whether you are friends, family, acquaintances, or one of those lucky people able to call Sheila their professor. I know that many of you, at one point or another, called my Grams crazy, myself included." 

I looked down at my hands before returning my gaze to the crowd, "Sure Grams taught occult studies at the university and often brought her work home with her, let me be the first to tell you, Sheila Bennet was not crazy. The definition of crazy, according to the Oxford Dictionary, means mad, especially as manifested in wild or aggressive behavior; extremely angry; and foolish. Grams was not mad in a wild or aggressive way. She was the most calm and patient woman in the world, always there to listen to me or Bonnie whenever we had something troubling on our minds. Grams was not extremely angry. In fact, she only ever got angry with others if they talked bad or hurt Bonnie and I in any way, other than that she was happy and content with her life."

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