Party at the Safehouse

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(Eleanor POV)

The day after the Founder's Ball, the three of us decided to skip school and party all day at the safe house. I managed to procure five bottles of wine from the wine cellar, knowing my aunt wouldn't realize they were gone until she had officially cleaned up everything from the Founder's Ball. Mary had sped back to her house to grab her bomb sound system to play the tunes and Alisha was out buying snacks and ordering strippers whom Mary would compel to serve us however we wanted. I got a head start on the booze before the other two got back due to the shitty day I had yesterday.

Man, being stood up by the person you love sucks and he didn't even have the decency to talk to me or give me a reason why. My cellphone rang and I picked it up, thinking it was one of the girls. "Hello?"

"Where the hell are you?"

"Oh, well if it isn't my abusive and self-centered cousin. This day just keeps getting better and better."

"Cut the crap, Eleanor, where are you?"

"Pfft, as if I'd ever tell you that. I got stood up by Jeremy at the Founder's Ball yesterday, if I need to be alone and drown my sorrows in a bottle of alcohol with my two favorite people, then that is what I will do."

"You're with Mary and Alisha?"

"Not currently, but I will be soon, why? Are you jealous that I'm going to be having the time of my life while you're stuck at school?"

"NO! Dammit, Ellie, I'm worried about you! Just tell me where you are!" Tyler practically screamed into the receiver.

I scoffed, taking another swing before responding, "Hah, that's rich! You care about me huh? You've never cared about me before. In fact, none of you have. Being a Lockwood means you take care of yourself and no one else. Well now it's my turn to be selfish, I'm not coming home until I feel like it; pass the message on to Aunt Carol and Uncle Richard for me will you? Goodbye, Tyler."

With those words, I hung up and turned off my phone, throwing it into my upstairs room before heading downstairs and into the living room and laid down on the couch, starting to feel my brain go numb.

As soon as Mary and Alisha returned, the party began, and it was; in a word; liberating. The doorbell rang and I froze fearing it to be Tyler or the Sheriff. But Alisha opened the door and smirked, "If you aren't one of the strippers I ordered Stefan, then you can leave."

Marylin and I joined her by the door and he asked, "What exactly are you three doing?"

Alisha smiled, "What does it look like? We're taking today to celebrate Damon's capture and unless you're planning on joining us then I don't want to hear anything from you."

He held his hands up in surrender, "Alright, I won't stop you guys, but you should call and tell someone you three are ok."

I smiled as a van pulled up behind Stefan and five guys got out and walked up to the house. Mary stepped out to intercept them, beginning to work her powers of persuasion and invite them inside.

Stefan saw what was going on and demanded, "What the hell are you girls doing?"

Alisha and I stepped aside to let Mary and the strippers come inside before answering Stefan, "Don't worry, we'll make sure to pay them even after erasing their memories."

"That's not my point, Alisha. You're behaving no better than Damon." He attempted to step inside, but was stopped by the barrier.

Alisha and I laughed, "Sorry Steffy, we have this house vampire proofed and don't you dare compare me to Damon. A girl's got to cut loose every once in a while, might as well make it epic. Don't worry about anything and besides shouldn't you be schmoozing with Elena now that there's no Damonic interference?"

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