Declaration of War

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(Alisha POV)

I couldn't believe it; I was asleep for a couple hours and now Stefan's missing. We figured out quickly that he was being held by Frederick and his possé inside the house, but when the girls and I tried to rescue him, I was shoved, unconscious, into a closet while Marylin and Eleanor were strung up on either side of Stefan and Harper.

Thank goodness Damon, Alaric, and Elena came swiftly to save the day. I walked up to Pearl and sneered, "I warned you Pearl about what would happen. Stefan was tortured and my linked sisters were harmed. I'll give you one last chance to control your vampires, if you can't, then it's strike three and you're out. Are we clear?"

Pearl nodded and I walked away with Marylin and Eleanor. They decided to crash at the clubhouse with me until their wounds healed. I then noticed Ellie reach for her buzzing phone and answered it as she iced her thigh, "Hey Matt, what's up?" Her eyes then shot up to mine, "They found Vicki? She's dead?"

Mine and Mary's eyes widened as guilt racked itself through all of us. Things were about to get seriously complicated. Once Ellie hung up she began limp pacing, "Oh my god, they found Vicki's body. I'm so screwed."

I stood up and stopped her by gripping her shoulders, "Hey, you didn't kill Vicki, I did. Damon found me by her body and I left him to bury her. If it's anyone's fault that this is happening, it's mine. I should have buried the body myself. The police have nothing to link you to her body or her death. You are safe, do you understand me?"

She nodded and I nodded, "What happened to Vicki was a tragedy, a mistake that we will all have to carry for the rest of our lives. She wasn't the first and I can guarantee, not the last." I hugged her and then walked up the stairs to my room, "I'll be upstairs, wake me if it's an emergency and not before. Goodnight girls."

(Marylin's POV)

As the weeks drawled on, I kept my eye on Pearl's movements as well as scoping out the tomb house every couple of days. However school kept me from 24 hour surveillance, especially now that my history teacher required me to come to class to keep an eye on me. Mr. Saltzman was starting to become a pain in my ass, so I went to his classroom after school to set some ground rules. 

Naturally as soon as I walked in, he pulled out a stake, "What do you want?"

I held up my hands in surrender, "Woah, easy professor, I just want to talk." I sat down in the desk and sighed, "Look, I know that you don't trust me and frankly after you threatened me, I don't trust you either, but currently I am not your enemy and you aren't mine. The tomb vampires are our enemies. You might find this hard to believe, but I don't actually want you dead. I've never killed anyone and I hope that I never have to, when I heard Damon had killed you, I actually hoped that there was a way to bring you back." I chuckled, "Ha, little did I know you already had a way to come back." I smiled softly up at him, "All life is precious in its own way and no one should throw it away so carelessly."

Now it was Mr. Saltzman's turn to chuckle as he set down his stake, "That's rich coming from a vampire, didn't you have to die to become what you are now? Didn't you have to throw away your precious life to become this monster?"

I closed my eyes and lowered my head, frowning, before lifting my head back up, "I died knowing that I would come back stronger. The girl I was before didn't have any reason to live or anything that was precious to her. She had nothing to fight for." I took a breath standing up, "That girl was weak and naive; the so called 'monster', as you eloquently put it, that I am now, is living to protect her home as well as the people in it. If I'm going to die, then I'm gonna do it fighting to protect this town. I hope that you share my sentiments, Mr. Saltzman." I proceeded toward the door and stopped in the doorway, "I'm sorry to have wasted your precious time by trying to lessen the murderous tension between us, see you tomorrow for class. Goodnight Mr. Saltzman."

(Eleanor POV)

I went to Vicki's funeral and memorial with Tyler, if only to find closure and keep an eye on Jeremy. I noticed Anna at the funeral watching Jeremy and came up behind her, "What are you doing here Anna?"

She sighed turning to face me, "Eleanor, what very formal funeral wear, it really suits you."

"Don't dodge the question, Anna; why are you here?"

"You know why, you're here for him too."

I growled at her, "That's where you're wrong. I came here to get closure for killing the woman Jeremy loved."

"You killed Vicki?"

I took a breath and lowered my head, "Practically, Vicki was still learning control of her bloodlust as a new vampire and attacked Jeremy. Mary and I engaged her, intending only to neutralize her, but I got so angry that I bit her." I looked back up to see Matt and Mrs. Donovan standing over Vicki's grave, "Once I had calmed down, I realized that I had just condemned an innocent girl to death. Alisha was the one who delivered the final blow, but I was the one who killed her and the worst part about it wasn't even knowing that fact; it was that I had to look Jeremy in the eye and lie due to Damon's compulsion erasing all his memories of that night."

Anna nodded, "We all make sacrifices for the ones we love, that's just the way the world works."

I frowned, "Yeah, I know. Just so we're clear, we aren't friends and if you or your mother slip up, I'm gonna shove your asses into the tomb myself and if you dare hurt Jeremy, then I'll do to you exactly what I did to Vicki. See you around, Anna."

I walked away from her, taking one last look at Vicki's grave before heading into the woods. I needed to be alone. I needed a quiet place to breathe. I didn't have it for very long as a voice broke my concentration, "Hey stranger, can we talk?"

I clenched slightly, not even bothering to turn around, "Jeremy, can we talk later? I just really need to be alone right now."

"How do you know Anna? I saw you two talking to each other earlier."

I rolled my eyes, "We aren't friends if that's what you're asking. I just wanted to know why she was at the funeral when she didn't even know Vicki. Apparently, she came to make sure you were okay. Now goodbye Jeremy."

I continued walking only for him to grasp my arm, "Why are you avoiding me? Does it have something to do with Anna?"

I scoffed, whipping on him, "Really Jeremy? You think I'm jealous of you and Anna? I couldn't care less. As for avoiding you, I'm dealing with some personal problems."

"What problems? Is it about what happened between you and Tyler the night of the auction?"

I took a breath and smiled sadly, "Go home Jeremy, whatever happens between me and my family is none of your concern." I walked away and didn't hear Jeremy follow. I got to one of the Lockwood tunnels and shut the gate behind me before bursting into tears. I was a monster in a town full of monsters, how long before the next innocent person died?

Once I had got done crying, Alisha texted me, 'Hey, still want to shift? Full moon's tomorrow night.' 

I texted her back, 'Yes, I'm ready'.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27, 2018 ⏰

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