Werewolf Prey

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(Eleanor POV)

I was taking the free time I had to myself to explore and map the underground Lockwood tunnels. I made my way out of the tunnels and came upon a woman who looked distressed. I walked up to her, "Excuse me, ma'am, are you ok? Should I call the police?"

She looked up at me, "Where am I? What is the date today?"

"Uh, it's January fourth. How long have you been out here?"

She didn't answer and instead asked another question of her own, "The year? What year is it?"

I took a closer look at her clothes and noticed the old and tattered 19th century style and then I realized I was close to the tomb. I readied myself for an attack as I answered, "2010."

I noticed her eyes widen, "I've been away for a long time." She then smiled and took a step toward me, but I backed away, "Thank you for your help, but I'm afraid that I have a terrible hunger." She lunged at me and I grabbed her and threw her into a nearby tree, thankfully she was still weak. She struggled to her feet, "Are you a vampire as well?"

I smirked and shook my head, "Nope, I'm what you call a werewolf. I'm sorry to tell you this, but vampires are no longer welcome in Mystic Falls. Goodbye." I grabbed her and bit into her shoulder before snapping her neck. Out of concern I went to the tomb site and was shocked to see the door open.

I searched the entire tomb with my fangs at the ready and tried to pick up on any fresh scents, but couldn't catch any clear scent. Everything still smelt like death, but as soon as I followed it outside it disappeared in the wind.

My frustration grew as I ran back into town and called the Marylin, "Hello?"

"Marylin, we have a serious problem, but I wanted to call you first before calling Alisha."

"What's wrong?"

"I was out exploring the map of the old Lockwood tunnels my father gave me and I just happened to be near the tomb. It's open and there's no one inside."

I heard a beat before she replied, "What?"

I sighed, "I know if the door's open and there's no one inside then that means the seal was never put back up and all the tomb vampires are out there preying on the innocents of Mystic Falls."

I heard her tense through the phone, "I'll meet you at Alisha's in ten. Be careful."

"I will, see you soon," I hung up the phone and walked the streets, keeping my eyes open for Anna, knowing she would be able to tell me who got out and what they looked like. But I couldn't find her. 

I made it to Alisha's, she's been staying at the WaterFront house even since the New Year after Bonnie decided to stay with their Aunt. She hadn't gone home really since Shiela's death. I went inside only to see Marylin come down the stairs, "She's not upstairs or down here, where could she be?"

I shrugged, "Did you check the basement?"

She shook her head and we made our way to the basement door. As soon as we opened the door, I was overwhelmed with the scent of Wolfsbane, Vervain, and Lobelia. I looked in and my eyes widened at the sight. Half the basement was now a garden while the other held chains and means of torture. Alisha was tending her small garden and didn't even turn around to acknowledge us.

I went further down the stairs, "Alisha? Are you ok?"

Without turning around she answered, "I'm fine Eleanor, as fine as anyone can be. Did you two need something?"

I sighed, "Yeah, but I think it's something that you want to know too."

She sighed and turned around, "What could be so important that you have to interrupt me?"

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