Loss of Control

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(Eleanor's POV)

After Tyler had dropped the bomb of Coach Tanner's death, all the windows in my room blew open and I turned to Alisha and saw only the devil showing in her eyes. This woman standing in front of me was not my caring friend; this was Layisha and her vengeful power at work. I shivered in fear and so did Mary, by the way she had gone completely still and quiet. The demoness took out her phone speaking before leaving, "I should go, you three have a good night."

I knew that I should follow after her, but my instincts were telling me that getting in her way meant certain death. Mary must have felt the same way and asked, "Can I stay the night? I don't feel safe walking around with that animal still at large."

All I could do was nod as Tyler said goodnight and left the room. Once he was gone Mary asked, her voice quaking, "What should we do?"

I shook my head, wrapping my arms around myself, "I don't know, but I do know that girl was not Alisha. That was Layisha and she may very well kill Damon by herself before the sun rises tomorrow. I want to go after her, but every fiber in my body is screaming at me not to. We'll stay here for now, you call Hannah and tell her where you are and I'm going to call Stefan to go after Alisha."

Mary nodded, "Sounds like a plan."

As she called Hannah and I pulled out my phone to call Stefan. I prayed to any god that could hear me to please protect Alisha.

(Stefan POV)

Damon had killed again and I couldn't stop him. He was stronger and at his full strength and I didn't know what to do except take a walk to the Falls and clear my head. My quiet and calm was interrupted by my phone ringing and I answered without looking at the CallerID, "Hello?"

"Stefan, it's Eleanor Lockwood."

"Eleanor? To what to I owe this pleasure?"

"Alisha's gone ballistic and is probably on her way to kill Damon alone. You need to find her before she gets herself killed, please."

I could hear the terror and concern and her voice and I responded, "Ok, I'll find her, you and Marylin sit tight."

"Thank you, and Stefan be careful, Alisha is not herself right now. You need to find a way to get through to her without getting yourself killed in the process, ok?"

"Ok, I'll keep that in mind. Thanks for the warning, bye."


I hung up and vamp-sped back to town only to find the wind whipping around when there had been none earlier tonight. If this truly was Alisha's doing than she could very well be more powerful than Emily Bennet now. I raced around town trying to find her, worried that she would overexert herself before getting anywhere near Damon. I finally found her approaching the Boarding House and stopped in front of her in order to stop her approach.

When she stopped I noticed the fury in her eyes and realized why Eleanor was so insistent about me being careful. I stood frozen until Alisha spoke, the wind still whipping around us, "Get out of my way Stefan, Damon has hurt too many people to live."

I decided to reason with her as if she were Lovelia, considering Alisha had her memories, "I know he's done some horrible things, but so have I and yet despite that you forgave me."

I noticed her demeanor change and the wind slowed a bit, "That was the no humanity Ripper with no self-control. Damon however, has control and therefore must be punished."

"Then we put him through Lexi's detox, not kill him," I reasoned.

Suddenly she began screaming, "You don't understand Stefan! I made a deal with Damon; we agreed that if he didn't kill anyone else I would help him get Katherine back! Not even an hour later did he break that promise and kill Coach Tanner! He doesn't deserve to breathe!" The wind picked back up and she grabbed her head, falling to her knees blood starting to run down her nose. "AHHH! It hurts, make it stop!"

I rushed forward to her and wrapped her in my arms, trying to soothe her. I hated to see her like this, literally tearing herself apart because she trusted Damon and he let her down. After a bit she had calmed down and the wind died too. I pulled back only to see her eyes glaze over in exhaustion before whispering, "Why does this always happen to me?"

She collapsed in my arms and I picked her up, taking her inside. If I took her to Bonnie's she would ask unnecessary questions. I texted Bonnie using Alisha's phone before calling Eleanor, "Hello?"

"Eleanor, it's Stefan. I managed to calm Alisha down, but she collapsed due to overexerting herself. I already texted Bonnie, but I'm keeping her here at the Boarding House until she wakes up."

I heard her sigh in relief, "Thank god, as long as you can protect her from Damon I trust you to take care of her. Mary and I will be coming over in the morning to pick her up, goodnight Stefan."

"Goodnight, Eleanor, bye."


After I hung up I carried the unconscious witch upstairs to my bedroom and laid her down on my bed and tucked her in. I smelt the dried blood on her face and sped downstairs to get a rag to wipe it off only to be caught by Damon, "Rough night brother?"

I snarled, "Go away, Damon, I don't have time to deal with you right now."

I tried to walk past him and back up to Alisha, but Damon stopped me, placing a hand on my chest, "Why so angry, Stefan? Upset that I killed your new coach?"

Before I could answer Alisha appeared behind Damon and proclaimed, "No, but I am." As soon as Damon met her eyes her dropped to the floor obviously, experiencing an aneurism. She looked down at him, practically spewing fire, "Our deal was that I would help you reunite with Katherine if you stopped killing. I trusted you and believed that you could honor that, but not even an hour later you go and kill Coach Tanner." 

Suddenly Damon bones started breaking in various places, each one giving off a sickening crack and all I could do is watch on in horror. Alisha started crying tears of blood with more blood running down her nose as she looked sadly into Damon's eyes, "I hoped that you cared enough about Katherine to stop killing, but you don't deserve my help nor do you deserve to be reunited with the woman you love. You have made an enemy today Damon and I will use all of my power to make you suffer for the rest of your pathetic eternity." And with those words Alisha snapped his neck and he fell slack onto the kitchen floor. I noticed her eyes glaze over again and I rushed over to catch her before she joined Damon on the floor.

I carried her back to my room and tucked her back into bed, wiping off the blood starting to dry on her face. After changing into a muscle shirt and sweatpants I climbed into the other side of the bed and looked at her unconscious form. I felt bad for her, she has memories of a life and a person whom I knew very well and yet also wield so much power at a young age. She, even being reborn, can never have a normal life. I stroked her cheek before rolling on my side to face away from her, promising myself to protect her and her friends to make sure they had the most normal life possible.

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