Team Badass to the Rescue

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(Eleanor POV)

I woke up the next morning and got a call from Marylin to have me meet her, Alisha, and Elena at the Salvatore house.

So I jogged over there and noticed the broken window Damon was boarding up, "Uh, what the hell happened to your window?"

Marylin answered from her spot on the couch, "A couple of tomb vampires came in and tried to kill our favorite vampire brothers. I came to save them, but one still got away."

I nodded, "Okay, so what are we gonna do?"

Damon answered, "I say we go to Pearl's, bust down the door, and annihilate the idiot that attacked us last night."

Alisha rolled her eyes, "Oh yeah and what about the rest of the vampires? You gonna just look to them and say, 'oops, sorry?'"

Elena then snapped, "You're one to talk, I can't believe you made a deal with her."

The witch sighed, "What was I supposed to do Elena, she has at least twenty vampires at her beck and call and I'm not stupid enough to take them on with only Marylin and Eleanor as backup. That would be suicide. Besides I was only going to keep up with friendly pretenses until I found out who I was up against and exactly how many. You don't have to be snarky about it."

"I just woke up this morning to found out all the vampires in the tomb are out. I've earned snarky."

I raised my voice, "Hey! This isn't being very productive. We need a plan on how to deal with Pearl and the other vampires, right?"

Alisha nodded and then took out her phone, heading outside. I focused on Marylin, who was clearly listening on her phone conversation. She then began relaying the information back to me, "Alisha is on the phone with Pearl and asking if she's having a problem controlling her vampires. Pearl said no and Alisha replies in unbelief and explained what happened here last night. Alisha just threatened Pearl, telling her that she better keep control or else she'll shove every single last one of them back into the tomb, including her daughter. Pearl says that she understands and then hung up."

I sighed, nodding at Mary as Alisha came back inside. Stefan sent Elena home and then Alisha asked him, "Can you describe the male vampire that attacked you?"

"Uh yeah, dark hair and eyes. Overconfident and a bit cocky; he didn't even show remorse when his partner died. Why? Do you remember him?"

Alisha nodded, "Yep, his name is Frederick and he's always been a dick. I am upset to hear that Bethanne died though. If any of the tomb vampires deserve death, Frederick is definitely one of them." She turned to Stefan, "Can I borrow a room? If we're really going up against the vampires tonight, I need to make sure that I'm fully rested."

Stefan nodded, guiding her upstairs and I decided to tag along to get one of my own while Marylin stayed downstairs with Damon.

(Marylin POV)

I was back at the Salvatore house early the next morning after changing. Damon was boarding up the window and turned back to me asking, "What's wrong?"

"I couldn't sleep, need any help with that?"

"Uh no, but you could call the other two musketeers and get them over here. Stefan already went to go get Elena." I nodded and after the meeting I was still downstairs with Damon as the other girls were upstairs resting up and Damon asked, "You sure you don't want to try and get some sleep?"

I shook my head, "I don't think that I could."

Stefan came down in a new outfit and I asked, "Hunting party?"

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