Vampire Hunter Threats

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(Marylin POV)

I was on my way to the Salvatore house after receiving a call from Stefan. I didn't know exactly what he wanted, but if it got me away from Anna and Pearl than I was happy to go. I jogged up the front steps and came in to find Stefan interrogating Damon while there were sorority girls waiting in the other room, their bodies littered with bite marks. "Uh, does someone want to explain to me what's going on in here?"

Damon smiled and I could immediately tell he was drunk by his slightly slurred words, "Marylin! Come on in and enjoy the party! It'll get back underway once Buzzkill Bob leaves."

I looked at Stefan who only went back to talking with Damon, "I don't feel like leaving you alone with potential victims."

"Relax, brother, I promise that these lovely girls will end up in their dorm rooms with headaches and will think that they blacked out after a party. Besides my favorite vampire is here now and she doesn't drink people blood, so you can trust her."

Stefan looked back at me, "You don't drink human blood?"

I shook my head, "Nope, but I don't drink animal blood either."

Damon sped over to me and wrapped his arm around my shoulder, "Bloody Mary here drinks supernatural blood, meaning she drinks witch and vampire blood." Damon offered me his wrist and I could feel the veins under my eyes come out in hunger. 

I noticed the curiosity in Stefan's eyes as I pushed away Damon's wrist before being tempted to bite down, "It's the simplest way to not drink the people stuff while also keeping my full strength. The only problem is with my control, I nearly drank Damon dry the last time I fed from him."

Damon hugged me from behind, "Aw, you know I forgive you. You were cut off from Alisha since she had been kidnapped and were starving. I was able to stop you in time."

I rolled my eyes and then noticed the strange look Stefan gave me, "What? Why are you giving me that look?"

Stefan simply looked at the older, drunk vampire, "Does she know?"

I immediately snapped, "Know what?!"

Damon groaned and he released me, grabbing a nearby bottle, "You can explain it to her, because I have better things to do."

He returned to the room with the girls and I turned my gaze back to Stefan as soon as the music started again, "What don't I know Stefan?" He signaled outside and I followed him out I sped in front of him and practically screamed, "What the hell don't I know Stefan?!"

He sighed, "Look, vampires feeding off of vampires can be seen one of two ways by other vampires. The first way is that it can seem incredibly sick because it can be translated as cannibalism." He stopped and I could tell that he felt extremely uncomfortable, "The second way is that it can be seen as incredibly intimate."

I scoffed and shouted, "Oh my god! Are you kidding me?!" I groaned and paced a little before turning back to the bunny eater, "So basically, me feeding off of Damon could be misconstrued to mean that I love him?" He nodded and I frowned, "Well rest assured Stefan that neither you or your brother are my type. I prefer estrogen to testosterone. Just tell me why you wanted me to come, besides basically giving me the awkward sex talk."

He sighed, "Gladly, I want you to shadow Damon today, he's a little more unstable than usual. I have to go deal with the town vampire hunter."

"Wait, local vampire hunter? What the hell are you talking about?"

"Your new history teacher, Mr. Saltzman, Damon might have killed his wife and now he wants revenge. Look, all you have to do is keep an eye on Damon, make sure he doesn't do anything stupid and I'll keep Alaric busy."

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