Saturday Night Football

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(Marylin POV)

I hated sporting events and especially football games, the only thing that kept me interested was that by the end of the day it would be open season on Damon Salvatore. I was dying to test the full extent of my powers, I had skipped the eating animals phase and was feeding off of Alisha, which meant I was at my full strength. We all decided to meet up at the big game and at least enjoy one night to ourselves before beginning the hunt.

I was enjoying myself until the three of us heard shouting and turned to see Eleanor's cousin Tyler picking a fight with Jeremy Gilbert over Vicki Donovan. Probably worried about the man she loved or angry with her cousin, Eleanor rushed over to the two shouting, "Enough, Tyler! Get off!"

When Tyler refused to relent in his assault on Jeremy, Eleanor grabbed him, using her newfound strength, and threw him to the ground. The few seconds that followed were so quick that even I couldn't follow until it was over. Stefan rushed over and protected Ellie from being cut with a bottle by Jeremy. Alisha and I rushed over to Ellie, seeing that she had shut her eyes to prevent anyone from seeing them glowing yellow and guided her away from the crowd so she could calm down and get her bearings.

After a bit Alisha asked, "Are you ok?"

Ellie opened her eyes and nodded, "Yeah, I don't know what came over me. I was so angry at Tyler for hurting Jeremy that I thought I would have tried to kill him if Stefan hadn't stepped in."

I smirked, "Then we'll have to thank him sometime. What should we do now, Alisha?"

Suddenly Ellie whispered, "I smell Damon, he's here."

I focused my hearing and heard Elena's voice answer Damon's and informed Alisha worried, "He's with Elena."

Alisha got angry, "We need to make sure he doesn't hurt her, let's go."

When we found them we stopped short seeing Damon go in for a kiss only to be slapped across the face. After Elena walked away we made ourselves known, Ellie speaking first, "Well, I've seen my fair share of rejections, but none quite so spectacular."

I snickered, "What's the matter, Damon, old man like you losing your touch?"

Suddenly both of us were caught off guard by Alisha hissing at the vampire, "She's not Katherine, Damon. She deserves to be happy and to be human, leave her alone."

The Salvatore turned on her, matching her tone, "And why do you say that? I know she's not Katherine, but why does she above everyone in this town deserve to be human and happy?"

I felt Alisha get deadly serious, "Because we both know what it's like to have our humanity ripped away from us against our will and Elena is too innocent to have that happen to her. If you promise to leave her, and the other citizens of Mystic Falls, alone, then I will help you release Katherine from the tomb."

Eleanor suddenly shouted, "Wait! What the hell, Alisha?! Who's this Katherine?!"

She turned to the wolf, "It's a long story and I promise to tell you later." She turned back and approached the vampire, "I know where Emily's pendant is hidden and I am a Bennet witch, so I'll be able to perform the spell." Suddenly she held out her hand, "Do we have a deal?"

It took a moment before I realized what was happening. If Damon agreed with Alisha then he would be allowed to stay in Mystic Falls and free to feed on whoever he wanted, "Wait, Alisha! You're just letting this guy off the hook like that? I thought the whole point of making me immortal and linking us three together was to stop Damon and make sure he didn't kill anyone else? If you're going to help him then that means you're putting him before us."

Eleanor realized this too and started shouting too, "Mary's right, what the hell Alisha? You can't seriously care about this psychopath!"

Alisha turned around to look at us and stated, "If the only reason Damon came back was for Katherine, then I am willing to release her from her prison so that she and Damon can run off into the sunset together and never return to Mystic Falls. I'm simply offering Damon another deal, one in which he has a better chance of living to see the sunshine tomorrow. I promise you both that if he doesn't take this deal then we will use our full strength to take him down."

I folded my arms over my chest, "Fine, but you had better explain who this Katherine is and why she's so important after the game."

Eleanor groaned, "Yeah, we deserve the truth, the whole truth and nothing, but the truth."

Alisha nodded at us before turning back to Damon, bringing her hand back up, "Do we have a deal? You don't kill anyone and I'll help you release Katherine."

Damon had clearly been weighing his options and decided to take Alisha's deal. He took her hand, smiling, "Glad we're finally on the same page, Alisha. You and the other musketeers have a great evening, I've got to go find Stefan and wish him luck."

He was about to leave, but Alisha moved in front of him, "Two more things, Damon, leave Stefan alone. He's finally in control and I don't want him to relapse."

"Ok, fine, what else?" Damon asked sarcastically

I noticed Alisha get real quiet, "Do you still have an amber flower that Lovelia gave you?"

"Yeah, why?"

"It meant something to Lovelia, but since she's not alive to see it through I want it back in order to put it to good use."

"I'll be happy to give it to you once Katherine is free, now if you'll excuse me."

As Damon walked away, Ellie and I approached Alisha. I could feel how tense she was and asked, "Are you ok? Does this have something to do with your past life?"

She rubbed her eyes, wiping tears away before responding, "Yeah, I'm fine. I just feel like the whole world is crashing down on me. I need to go home and think."

Ellie stepped up to her and growled, fulling showing her glowing yellow eyes, "No! You are going to tell us everything and now your night's completely free." She quickly grabbed Ellie and we stomped to the Lockwood Mansion and up to Ellie's room, after she invited me in, of course.

As soon as we got there and the door was shut behind us I swiftly ripped off her vervain bracelet and compelled her, "During this next hour you will explain your story to us and tell only the truth."

She sighed, "Compulsion doesn't work on witches," and sat down in one of the beanbags on Eleanor's floor and said, "But you deserve the truth, I guess I should start from the beginning. My soul is over two thousand years old and I have reincarnated six different times."

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