The Epic Foreshadowing

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Waterfront House Floor Plan

Waterfront House Floor Plan

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(Eleanor POV)

After a tense confession session between Mary, Alisha and I, we were upstairs following Alisha into the hallway before she stopped gesturing to each room, "You each can pick your own rooms, but I've already claimed the master bedroom and whichever room you don't pick will be used as a guest bedroom. Each room has it's own bathroom, closet, and balcony. The attic, I will be using to perform spells and the basement will be used for kidnappings and torture. As you already know the living room, dining room, kitchen, and study are all downstairs, as well as a multipurpose room that we could turn into anything."

She stopped for a moment leading us into the master bedroom and grabbed a flower off her window sill, bringing it over to us. "This is an extinct flower preserved in amber. As long as it is in the house no one will be able to enter without an invitation." She suddenly pricked her finger with a pin and let a drop of blood fall onto the flower before continuing, "In order for us three to be able to enter and leave without obstruction all I need is a drop of blood from each of you."

After Mary and I donated blood to the flower, Alisha placed the flower back on the window sill, turned back to us and said, "This place shall serve as a second house to the three of us. If you are ever having problems with your families or just need to get away for a while, you can come here."

Mary raised her hand, "What happens if someone were to burn down or condemn the house?"

Alisha smirked, "I'm so glad you asked; the flower doesn't only keep others out, it also prevents outsiders from harming the house itself. Because of the ancient and natural implications, the flower is a perfect anchor for the boundary and protection spell of this magnitude. No harm will ever come to the house or anyone inside as long as the flower remains inside. So, what do you guys think? Do you like it?"

I finally found the words to speak, "This is incredible, Alisha. If I didn't think you were a two thousand year old witch before, I would believe you now. Just how powerful are you?"

"Well, I wouldn't have been able to do the boundary or protection spell if I wasn't linked to the both of you. I really overexerted myself big time yesterday, so I need to take it easy on the magic this week until I'm all rested up." Alisha's cellphone started ringing and she went to grab it, looking at the screen, "It's Bonnie, I need to go, but you girls can stay as long as you want and pick your rooms or think of what to do with the large room downstairs."

With those words Alisha left the clubhouse, leaving me alone with Marylin once again. After we chose our rooms Marylin left talking about getting groceries for Hannah and getting to bed early for school tomorrow. I went home and went upstairs to find a wrapped present on my bed. Confused as to how it got there I called down the stairs, "What's the big present for?!"

Carol called back up, "It's from Mason, he sent us all gifts from Florida!"

Confused I asked, "From Dad?!"

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