Reading the Diary

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(Marylin POV)

I woke up receiving a text from Alisha at the same time as Eleanor, stating that she was ok and wanted us to meet her at the old, abandoned Waterfront house in an hour. Using my new abilities I sped home from the Lockwood House and changed clothes, after showering, into my favorite outfit and converse.I brushed my hair up into a high pony tail before grabbing my phone and called to Hannah, "I'm heading out to meet up with the girls! Call if you need anything!"

"I will Miss Matthews! Enjoy yourself today, but I do need you to pick up a few things from the store before dinner tonight! There's a list on the counter and don't forget that you have school tomorrow!" my guardian called back, probably out back ...

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"I will Miss Matthews! Enjoy yourself today, but I do need you to pick up a few things from the store before dinner tonight! There's a list on the counter and don't forget that you have school tomorrow!" my guardian called back, probably out back spraying weeds.

I grabbed the list, shoving it into my back pocket, "Alright, I'll be back by seven at the latest!"

When I arrived I noticed Alisha sitting on the dusty living room couch, reading something. I was shocked by what she was wearing and said, "Oh no, your already a vampire. Damon got to you."

She smirked, not looking up, "If I was a vampire then our link would be severed and the vervain around your wrist would be burning your skin. I'm wearing this because the only spare clothes the Salvatore's had belong to Zack's ex-goth girlfriend from highschool."

I made my way over to her, "Whatcha reading?"

She looked up at me, before closing the book and handing it to me, "A diary that I wrote during the summer about all my past lives. I never got to finish telling you and Eleanor the rest of the story yesterday. So until Eleanor decides to get here, you can get a head start on reading my entire history." She stood up as I sat down to read and continued, "I'm going to get this place fixed and cleaned up and then we can use it as our personal base."

I scoffed, opening up the diary, "This place? How do you plan on keeping people from just waltzing in?"

She turned around and said, "Patience, my friend, I already have a plan to not only keep nosy vampires out, but any other witch, werewolf, or human with malicious intentions. I'll be upstairs if you or Ellie need me. Don't be afraid to holler if you have any questions, ok?"

"Got it, mom, have fun cleaning."

I heard her chuckle before ascending the stairs and reciting an incantation over and over. As I read from page to page I could feel my tears well up in my eyes and my heart break for Alisha. She had been through so much heartache and death. I was so engrossed in her story, I didn't even hear Eleanor walk in until she touched my shoulder, breaking me out of my trance, "Hey Mary, are you ok? What's wrong?"

All I did was hand her the book and said, "You need to read this."

She hesitantly took the book and sat down to read as I sat there staring at nothing in particular, digesting everything I had just read. After a little while I heard Ellie say, closing the diary, "Woah, is all of this real? If it is, then I finally know how Alisha is able to sense when someone is hurt because of the people they love. She's been through more suffering than everyone in this town combined."

I nodded, "I know, she's upstairs if you want to go talk to her."

Ellie looked at me and responded, "Do you want to talk to her?"

I sighed, listening to her walking around upstairs; she had stopped chanting and was now washing her hands in the bathroom. "I want to know how she's still able to live through the all the pain. I mean after my parents abandoned me here I considered committing suicide and was determined to do it, but I decided to at least go to one day of school thinking that no one would want anything to do with me because I was new. That's when I met you and Alisha and now suicide is the furthest thing from my thoughts, but I couldn't understand how someone I had known for not even a week could care enough about me than my family, to give me an eternity." I looked down at the diary in Eleanor's hands, "Now I know and I'm ashamed to have even thought about suicide in the first place."

Eleanor took my hand and said, "I know; have I ever told you why I'm living in my cousin's house in the first place?" I shook my head and now it was her turn to sigh, "My father, Mason Lockwood, knocked a girl up at a party one night and she died giving birth to me. Mason was responsible enough to take custody of me, but then decided he didn't want to be held down by anything, not even his own child, and left me in the care my aunt and uncle before taking off to Florida. I only know what he looks like from pictures Carol has shown me and I've never spoken to him. Heck! I don't even know my birth mother's name! All I've ever been told was that my mother was a slut and my father is a deadbeat surfer." 

She stopped for a moment and I could see the tears threatening to fall, "With all the verbal abuse from Carol and Richard and the bullying from Tyler, I considered running away from Mystic Falls just like my dad, even as a little girl. Until I met Alisha and she was the first person to ever show me how to stick up for myself. Thanks to her I'm stronger now and even more so now that I'm a werewolf. I owe her everything, and I know you understand too."

Both of us were interrupted by Alisha speaking up from the staircase, "I'm glad you both feel that way now knowing everything about me and to be completely honest with you guys, I don't think I ever truly lived until now because of my curse. Do you guys have any other questions before we all go upstairs?"

Eleanor stood up to look in her eyes, "Why didn't you tell us the truth in the beginning? Why only show us now?"

I could see her deflate and look to stare at nothing as she answered, "I've lied my whole life. Each time I've been reborn I kid myself into thinking that I can have a normal life, but that can never happen because my past always comes back to haunt me. I thought I could have a normal life this time, but then Damon and Stefan came to town and I wasn't strong enough to take them down by myself. And I even tried to tell you both by saying that I had a nightmare about Stefan as a vampire, but you both wrote it off as if it it was just an insignificant dream." She looked at us again, "Neither of you believed me until I showed you that I was a witch. I apologize for lying to you, but now I don't have to."

I vamped over to her and wrapped her in my arms, "I'm sorry, we will never doubt you again."

Eleanor came up to join the group hug, "We will stay by your side till the end of time and will follow you into hell if we have to."

I heard her chuckle before pulling away from us, muttering, "I don't know if I'd go that far. Now come on, I need to give you girls a full tour of our new clubhouse."

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