Back to School

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(Marylin POV)

I went to school on Monday and knew to be wary around Alaric, but I also knew something was wrong with Eleanor. I pulled her aside and asked, "Hey, you ok?"

"Not really, I nearly killed Tyler a last night after the auction. I just feel like an outsider in my own home. I obviously didn't mean to do it, but I was so angry. So what about you? What's got you on edge?"

"Well Damon killed our history teacher, but he came back to life and not as a vampire. I turns out Mr. Saltzman is a vampire hunter, hellbent on killing Damon because Damon turned his wife into a vampire. He even tried to kill me."

"Huh, well that's complicated."

I chuckled, "You have no idea. Have you seen Alisha today?"

Eleanor looked nervous, "Actually no, that's weird, do you know where she could be?"

"No that's why I asked you," I replied. I groaned, pulling out my phone, "Great, we've got problems up to our ears and our fearless leader is nowhere to be found." I dialed her number and it went to voicemail. I looked at the werewolf, "She's not answering."

"Why do I find that disconcerting?"

I slammed my locker shut and began walking to my next class, "Maybe because the last time she didn't answer her phone, she had been kidnapped by our favorite female vampire. After school we go and find her, agreed?"


(Alisha POV)

I got a call from Anna, asking me on behalf of her mother to go to the farmhouse where the tomb vampires were staying and make sure everyone was behaving themselves.

I knew that this was the perfect chance to scope out how many vampires I would be dealing with and ditched school without telling Marylin or Eleanor. When I arrived at the house, I noticed the woman that answered the door had bite-marks all over her, "Hello? Who are you?"

I smiled, "My name is Alisha Bennet, Miss Pearl asked me to come over and help supervise."

The lady smiled, "Of course, please come in, my name is Miss Gibbons."

I walked in and was immediately attacked by a vampire I remembered very well, "Frederick."

"What the hell are you doing here, Lovelia?"

I frowned an caused him to have a really painful aneurysm, "I came at Pearl's request and I'll ask you and all your friends not to lay a finger on me or else I'll put you right back in the tomb." I looked up to see all the eyes on me and then gasped as I saw one of my old friends, well he was June's friend anyway, "Harper?" The man smiled and I released Frederick from his torment to walk over to the sweet boy, placing my hands on either side of his face, "Is it really you?"

Harper smiled back, "Pleasure to see you again, Miss Fell."

"And you as well Harper, but I'm afraid that I'm no longer a Fell. I have been reborn as a witch. You may call me Alisha Bennett, but rest assured that all Lovelia's memories remain."

Frederick got up and grabbed my throat, "You'll pay for that."

He began to squeeze, but Harper pulled him off and placed himself between the two of us, guarding me, "Enough Frederick, Miss Bennett is here at the request of Pearl, I shall not allow you to harm her."

Frederick frowned and then left the room in defeat. Harper led me into the living room and I told him about my curse as a reincarnator and all that had happened to my since 1864. We were having a nice moment reminiscing about the day I met him and the time we spent together, when Frederick stomped in, "Argh, I hate this house."

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