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(Alisha POV)

We got to Marylin's house and set up for your sleepover, I texted Bonnie and told her where I was so that she wouldn't worry. But before going to bed I decided to teach Marylin her first lesson. All three of us were sitting on her bed and I held up my charm bracelet, "Alright ladies, you see those charm bracelets? I soaked and infused them with vervain and wolfsbane. Vervain is an herb that blocks a vampire's compulsion and will burn them if they try to remove it and if ingested will weaken the vampire. Wolfsbane is also an herb that has a similar effect of vervain, except on werewolves. Compulsion is the simplest of a vampire's many skills, it's basically mind control. Mary, because of your link with us, you will no longer be burned by vervain, but it can still block your compulsion and if ingested it will weaken you. Ellie same with you, do not ingest any wolfsbane, it will weaken you, but you will not be outwardly burned by it."

"Ok, got it," they both responded

"Alright." I called for Miss Wesley and as she entered the room I grabbed her, "Mary, I want you to look directly into Miss Wesley's eyes and give her a command that you know she wouldn't make herself and make sure to be specific about it, ok?"

She nodded and leaned down to stare her caretaker right in the eyes, thinking about what to command her to do, "Tell me the secret behind why you stayed behind."

She immediately responded, "I stayed behind because I knew a precious girl like you needed someone to watch over her. No matter what your family thinks, I know you will grow to be the most wonderful woman in the world, overshadowing everything they could ever hope to be."

After she had answered the question, Mary smiled and once again looked into Miss Wesley's eyes, "Thank you, you will forget this conversation and return to your duties."

Miss Wesley did as she was told and silently left the room. I grinned and said, "Well done. Now Eleanor time to test you. Unfortunately, you don't have any super powers, but you now have heightened senses, strength, agility, and durability, that will all peak during the full moon and the venom in your bites will kill vampires. I want you to tell me what perfume Mary and I are wearing."

Eleanor sniffed the air a couple of times before saying, "You are wearing 'Limoncello' from Bath & Body Works and Mary is wearing 'Forever Red' also from Bath & Body Works. But what about my strength?"

I smirked looking at Mary, "Why don't we find out? A simple arm wrestle should be enough for you both to test your strength."

We all walked over to Mary's bedroom coffee table and they set up their arms. Mary looked over at Eleanor, "I just want to apologize in advance if I hurt you."

Ellie looked up too, "Same."

I decided to point out, "It won't really matter for long, both werewolves and vampires have a healing factor that is better than humans and witches."

Eleanor perked up, "Oh, that's good to know."

I placed my hands over their clasped ones and counted down, "Ready? Set, Go!"

For about five minutes their hands stayed in the center, but then Mary started to gain the upper hand, but then she taunted Ellie, "Come on Ellie is all you've got?"

Ellie got angry and her eyes began to glow as she swiftly brought Mary's wrist down to the table with a loud thud and chipped the edge. I gasped and said, "Ok, Ellie let's calm down. Your eyes glow when you get angry."

Ellie took a few breaths and when she opened her eyes they were her normal color again and I sighed in relief and assessed the situation, "Ok, so it looked like to me, that werewolves and vampires are mostly equal in strength, unless the werewolf is angry. Agreed?"

Both nodded, "Agreed."

"Good, I think that's enough for tonight, time to turn in. Goodnight ladies."

"Goodnight, Ali," answered Ellie.

"Goodnight," responded Mary.

I woke up the next morning being kicked out of bed and hitting my shoulder on the floor. I groaned and got up on my knees to peek over the bed to see both Ellie and Mar still sleeping soundly. I smirked, aiming to change that. I whispered a spell that ripped the covers off the bed, opening all the windows to let the blinding light flood the room and screaming at the top of my lungs, "GOOD MORNING, LADIES!!!"

Ellie actually growled at me after falling off the bed in pure fear and shock, "Alisha! Mark my words, I will exact my revenge."

I smiled brightly and heard a knock on the door. It was Miss Wesley, "Miss Matthews; Miss Lockwood; Miss Bennet! I came to tell you that breakfast is ready and you all should get ready for school."

Mary groaned, but answered her caretaker regardless, "Thank you, Hannah, we'll be down in a bit."

"Very well, Miss Mathews, I have also taken the liberty to procure a change of clothes for Miss Benet and Miss Lockwood. I will leave them outside the door.

"Thank you, Miss Wesley," I called.

Eleanor ran for the door grabbing her designated clothes and sprinted for the bathroom, "I call shower first!"

As the door closed I turned to Mary, who was still laying with her eyes closed on the bed. I sat on the edge of the bed, "Mary are you ok?"

She opened one eye, "Yeah, just hungry."

I smirked holding my arm out to her, "Go ahead, I'll stop you if you take it too far." She looked down at my arms and sat up to sink her new fangs into my wrist. We sat there for a few moments and I stated firmly, "Mary, that's enough."

She surprisingly listened to me and released my arm, "Thank you, I'm feeling much better. Why do you look so shocked?"

I raised my eyes, "Oh, nothing, I just thought that we would have a bit of trouble controlling your hunger, but it seems you're already a natural. I'm just impressed is all."

She smiled up at me, "Well I'm glad that I have exceeded your expectations."

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