The Mystic Grill Hottie

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(Eleanor POV)

I'll be the first to admit that I liked Marylin, she was a lot like me. She had problems with her family and just needed somebody to trust and vent to. For the life of me I don't know how Alisha can just spot it in people. She's had a pretty normal life, besides her getting teased every once in a while for being albino, but she never let people's comments get to her. I admire Alisha so much and look up to her for saving me and I know I can never pay her back. So, now I can help her when it comes to saving Marylin.

We are at the Mystic Grill and it's wonderful, we are talking about every subject under the sun, until I look over and see Jeremy talking with the town slut, Vicki Donovan. I'm brought out of my personal diabolical murder schemes by Mary asking in a perfect Isabella impression, "Hey, Ellie, what'cha starin' at?"

I turn when I hear Alisha scoff, answering her question, "The only person she ever stares at; Jeremy Gilbert. Poor boy, his parents died last year and ever since then, his sister has become an empty, emotionless shell and he has turned to drugs, but Eleanor still loves him."

Suddenly Alisha gets distracted by something and I turn to see Elena Gilbert walk in with the sexiest man I have ever seen. I heard Mary whisper next to me, "Woah."

I smirk and turn back to her, "You see him too right?"

Mary nods and we both turn to Alisha who ruins our mood, "Sorry guys, it looks like new guy already has a thing for Elena."

I groaned picking up my Root Beer, "How come every guy in town loves her except her little brother and my cousin? At this rate I'm going to be single till I die."

Alisha picked up her drink as well, "Same here, but I'm kind of glad that I haven't fallen in love with anyone yet because if there is one thing I do know is that love hurts whether it's right or wrong."

Mary picked up her glass last, "Here, here." We all clinked our glasses together and downed our sodas before Mary looked at her phone, "Oh sorry guys, I told Hannah I'd be home by 10:00. So, I gotta go."

I looked at Alisha to see her face light up, "Well, let us walk you home at least. A young woman like you shouldn't be walking home by herself."

I caught on to what she was doing and replied taking Mary's hand, "Yes, milady, let us escort you back to your humble abode." I smirked, seeing her expression, before explaining, "Sorry, Alisha and I are theatre nerds and love to roleplay, but no one should walk home alone, especially if you are new in town."

Mary smiled, "Ok, let's go."

Alisha was quick to add, "Can we go talk to my sister first so I can tell her that I'm heading home first?"

"Sure," we both responded getting up from our seats and for some reason I could see a mysteriously devious look flash through her eyes as we approached her elder sister sitting at the table of Mr. Hottie.

(Alisha POV)

I was just sitting in the Mystic Grill, hanging out with my best friend and my new friend, when suddenly he walked in; Stefan Salvatore.

Not only that he walked in with the Doppelgänger, Elena!

I ducked my head to make sure he didn't see, but I honest-to-goodness wanted to make sure it was Stefan and not one of Silas's other doppelgängers.

As soon as Mary said that she needed to go home I put my plan into action asking if I could talk to my sister before we left. So there I was walking up to my sister, trying to avoid staring at Stefan, "Hey Bonnie, I'm going to be taking my new friend Marylin home, so I'll meet you back at home ok?"

"Oh, of course, but introduce us to her before you go," Bonnie replied turning around in her seat.

"Yeah," I grabbed Marylin's shoulder, "Marylin, this is my sister, Bonnie, and her best friends Elena, Caroline and, who are you?"

Stefan looked up at me and gave me one of his charming smiles, "Oh, I'm Stefan; Stefan Salvatore and who might you be?"

I held out my hand for him to shake, "Pleasure to meet you Stefan, I am Bonnie's younger sister, Alisha and these are my friends; Eleanor Lockwood and Marylin Matthews."

He shook my hand and my friends and I turned and left. All the while I kept thinking to myself, he's only here for Elena, but he might now get suspicious because he saw you die. After dropping Mary and Ellie of at their respective houses, I was walking back to my house when I heard a crow start cawing on a low branch near me. That's when it got cold and the fog started rolling in around my feet.

Suddenly a twig snapped near me and I turned towards the noise only to see nothing. I figured that it was Stefan so I turned back and tried to run only to bump into a large figure that growled and bit down to drink from my neck. Of course since I had been taking my daily shot of vervain the vampire in question soon let go and I quickly snapped its neck using my magic.

As soon as I looked down I came face to face with a man I used to love; Damon Salvatore. I got angry and kicked him in the gut, knowing that it took a while for vampires to recover after snapping their necks and then I thought of something devious and stole Damon's daylight ring before sprinting back to my house.

I managed to make it back to my room before the adrenalin rush wore off and my neck began aching and burning. I locked my door before heading into my bathroom and removing my blouse and using a washcloth to clean off the blood and disinfect the wound before hopping in the shower. After that I began cleaning my blouse in the sink, so that nobody would find out. Before going to bed I covered the wound with a bandage and slipped Damon's ring into my bedside drawer.

If Damon was back, then I might need Stefan's help if I wanted to get rid of him because until he's gone, the body count will continue to grow and I was not going to allow that.

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