Missing Links

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(Marylin POV)

I went with Damon as we entered an abandoned warehouse that smelled of death. I took a look around and sure enough there were rotting corpses lining the walls. I looked up at Damon, "Did you kill all these people?"

He shook his head, "Nope, these kills belong to one Logan Fell. However ever since I let him go after career night, I haven't seen him. He can't go out during the day unless your witch gave him a daylight ring."

I shook my head, "No, we didn't even know Logan Fell was a vampire. So you brought me along to help you look for him?"

Damon nodded, "Yep, keep you're eyes and ears open."

I nodded and whispered, "I'm gonna check the back rooms."

The first three rooms I searched were busts, but the room in the very back sat a car. I opened the trunk and nearly threw up, "DAMON!"

He rushed in and I turned away from the half burnt-half desiccated corpse of Logan Fell. Suddenly the smell hit me and I rushed over to the nearest bucket and threw up. Damon thankfully held my hair and rubbed my back, "I got ya little vamp, I got ya."

When my stomach finally emptied out I stood up and held onto Damon's arm, looking back over to the trunk. I shook my head, "I'm gonna go wait outside Damon."

He nodded, "Ok, I'll take care of this."

I practically sprinted out the door and back out into the sun. I had never seen death before and it sickened me. I took a lot of cleansing breaths when suddenly my phone rang. I looked at the CallerID and answered, "Hey Ellie, what's up?"

"Hey I got a weird vibe off of some guy at the Grill yesterday, I'm gonna try and sniff him out, you in?"

I huffed, "I can't, I've decided to play hunter with Damon since Alisha isn't answering her phone."

She began shouting,"Wait, she's still not answering?! Hold up, did you just say you were with Damon?! WILLINGLY?!"

I sighed, "Calm down, I'm only helping Damon because he asked nicely and has promised to leave town with Katherine once we open the tomb."

She then whispered, "But what about the grimoire and crystal?"

I saw Damon come outside, carrying the body and answered, "Elena and Stefan are hunting the grimoire, while Damon and I are going on a secret whatever mission. Have fun hunting down your mystery man." I hung up the phone and sighed looking up at the sky before trying to call Alisha. I sighed as it went to voicemail so I left a message, "Hey Ali, I'm just calling to see if you're ok. I know that there are times when you need to be alone, but we really need you right now. Please call me back."

Damon came up behind me, "She still not answering?"

I sighed, "No." I looked back at him, "Hey, thanks for what you did in there. I've never seen death before and it upset my stomach."

Damon nodded, "I understand, death isn't for everyone, but I suggest you get used to seeing it though. You're a vampire now, eventually everyone you love will die while you remain young and beautiful."

He started to walk away and I followed behind him. "Hey, Damon, I'm a little hungry. Can we stop for a snack?"

He turned around and looked shocked, "You mean feed? How long has it been since you last fed?"

I sighed, "I haven't fed on anyone beside Alisha, so it's been a couple of days."

Damon's eyes widened, "Are you serious?!" He bit into his wrist and held it out to me, "Drink now."

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