Ritual Preparations

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(Alisha POV)

I woke up so happy when I woke up the next morning because my bite was gone and I could wear a loose t-shirt again, but my mood immediately deflated as I got to school and saw a certain someone standing in front of my locker. I steeled my nerves and held my bag filled with materials for tonight a little closer to me and approached my locker, "Hello, Damon, I see Stefan gave you back your daylight ring, I was hoping he would keep it a secret that he had it for a little while longer."

"Oh, there's no need to be rude, is there? I even brought a couple of peace offerings." I was taken aback at his words as he pulled out a brown paper bag and handed it to me saying, "I thought you would want my blood instead of Stefan's since I'm actually drinking human blood and am at my full strength. There's three vials of my blood in there as well as a full blood bag of O+ human blood to perform your little power enhancing spell."

I reluctantly took the bag and put it in with all the other items for the ritual tonight and shut the bag in my locker before walking away. Damon zoomed in front of me, smirking, "Don't I get a thank-you kiss?"

I scowled, but took a deep breath before answering, "Let me make one thing very clear Damon, I may have Lovelia's memories, but in this life I am Alisha Bennet and I do not love you. That was another time and another life, but I do thank you for giving me the remaining ingredients I need. Now please, leave me alone, I need to get to my first class."

I tried to step around him, but he stepped in front of me again and lowered himself so that he was staring into my eyes, "Not even a little caring?"

I scowled again, "I'm on vervain and a witch, Damon, you know that. Or have you forgotten that I was the one who stole your daylight ring in the first place, but I will answer you honestly. I do admit that now that I have these memories I do have some feelings for you, but nothing romantic. So, in that spirit, I'm going to give you three days, to either leave town, or stay and not kill people. If you don't stop after the three days are up, I will use whatever means I have available at my disposal to stop you. Do you understand?"

Damon, in retaliation, smirked and grabbed one of my shoulders, "Go ahead, I welcome the challenge. I will go as far to say that you in this life are much more interesting than Lovelia could ever be. She was too kind to ever threaten anyone."

Now it was my turn to smirk, "Are you sure about that? Lovelia was in love with you Damon and she was jealous and angry about Katherine playing both you and Stefan, you really don't think she wouldn't have done something about it?"

"What are you talking about?" Damon asked, getting close to my face.

Before I could answer, Eleanor and Marylin came around the corner, "Ali, are you alright?"

I sighed in relief and pushed Damon off me using my magic and answered, "Yeah, I'm fine. Let's get to class. I hope you consider my offer. Goodbye, Damon, I hope you enjoy the comet tonight, you know it's been 145 years since we've seen it."

As soon as we rounded the corner Eleanor asked, "That was Damon! You mean from your dream?"

I nodded, "Yeah, he's the vampire who's been killing people and the one we need to stop."

Mary joined in the conversation, "Wow, really? He looks so normal."

"And hot," added Ellie.

"I know he looks normal, but that's not his real face and neither is Stefan." I turned to Marylin and said, "When you become a vampire you're going to have a new face too, are you prepared?"

"Of course, the pros outweigh the cons in my mind, are you sure you want to do this, Alisha? Now that you know what we are up against, are you ok?"

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