Rescue & Negotiations

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(Eleanor POV)

Alisha had done a locator spell to find Bonnie and Elena while I called Stefan and told him where to meet us.

We burst into the motel room and Alisha made quick work of opening the blinds, forcing the vampire guarding Bonnie and Elena to duck down between the beds.

Alisha shouted, "Come on girls! Outside! Now!"

They sprinted toward us and Alisha got them out. I decided to get a little payback I stomped over to the vampire and smiled, "Here, let me make it easier to stay out of the sun." I brought a stake down and shoved it in between the radius and ulna of his left arm. I had effectively staked him to the floor before walking outside to join the others. Stefan came out a few moments later, probably after threatening the vampire himself and we made our way to Sheila's.

We were sitting down at a table together and Bonnie asked her sister, "How did you know where we were?"

Alisha explained, "Many things can fuel a witch's power, Bonnie. Worry. Anger. Once I figured out that Anna had taken you, I had a lot of both. A simple locater spell was easy."

Bonnie looked down at her hands, "I'm sorry. About all of this."

Grams took one of her hands, "not as sorry as they're going to be."

I decided to speak up, "So what do we do now? Damon and Marylin have gone off the rails and who knows what they're cooking up considering they have the grimoire. All they need is a witch and the crystal."

Elena looked at me, "What do you mean? The crystal was destroyed."

Alisha sighed, "Not exactly, the night Emily possessed Bonnie. She destroyed the crystal to try and dissuade Damon from pursuing any other method for opening the tomb. However what Emily really did was transfer the power of the crystal into my body. In other words, Elena, I'm now the key that opens Pandora's box and the worse part is the Marylin knows and has probably already told Damon."

Stefan spoke up, looking at all three of the witches, "Well, for now, you all need to stay here."

I snickered at Shiela's response, "A prisoner, in my own home? I don't think so."

Alisha stood up, "Grams is right Stefan, I'm not going to sit inside and hide."

"I can't protect you if you leave this house," he argued.

Alisha walked over to the old vampire, "Stefan, I don't need  protection. We can protect ourselves."

Suddenly her phone rang and she took a breath before answering it in front of everyone, signaling for us to be quiet, "Damon, would you care to explain to me why you threatened my Grandmother this morning?"

All of our eyes were now on Alisha and her phone conversation as Damon answered, "Well I would like you to explain to me how exactly you are the key to the locked tomb. Oh yeah, Marylin told me all about that little tip. Now she would like to negotiate with you helping us, but I prefer threats. If you don't agree to get your family to help me get Katherine back, then I'll kill Marylin."

Alisha's eyes widened and she practically screamed, "You wouldn't dare!"

You could almost hear the cockiness in his voice, "You don't think I will? She trusts me and believes that I trust her, however if she becomes an obstacle to getting back Katherine then I won't hesitate to rip her heart out. Call me back by sunset with your answer, or the little vamp dies. I hope to hear good news, bye now!"

Damon hung up the phone and after we had a moment to collect our thoughts, Elena sighed, "We need to let him have Katherine back. He's not going to stop until he gets her. If we help him, maybe that ends it."

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