The Awkward Dinner & Declaration of War

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(Eleanor POV)

I had to admit, I haven't even been a werewolf for 24 hours and I was already loving it. Mary looked happier and more confident as a vampire and Alisha seemed brighter.

After school we decided to sit at the top of the stands and watch the football team practice, since Alisha's elder sister was at cheerleading practice and Tyler was currently getting his ass beat during practice. That fact to me was just hilarious, Tyler deserved to be knocked off his high horse every once in a while.

Suddenly Alisha stood up and turned around frowning. Mary and I sensed her distress and stood up to see what she was worried about my face immediately scrunched into a frown. Damon Salvatore had driven up in his car dropping Caroline off at cheerleading before driving away. Marylin hissed, "I smell blood on Caroline."

Alisha squeezed the metal in front of her, spitting out in hatred, "He's using her as his own personal blood bag and puppet. But I promised him two more days before I retaliated."

I placed a hand on her shoulder, "You might have promised, but Mary and I haven't, just tell us what we need to do."

Before she could answer, Elena appeared behind us, "Hey, Alisha, I was wondering if you wanted to come over for dinner tonight."

She raised an eyebrow, clearly confused, "Why? Shouldn't you be asking Bonnie or Stefan?"

"Well that's the point, I want Bonnie to officially meet Stefan to get to know him, but she says she wouldn't come unless I asked you."

After a moment of clear thought on Alisha's face, she answered, "Sure, as long as you don't mind me bringing Ellie and Mary?"

"Oh, no problem, the more the merrier, see ya tonight!" Elena said, skipping away, clear excitement written on her face.

I turned to Alisha, "Please don't tell me that I have to go through with this."

She looked between Mary and I, "I think this will be a good learning experience. Mary has to get Elena to invite her in and it will give us a chance to bond with Stefan and make sure he's in on the plan to get rid of Damon."

Mary nodded, "Alright, I'm in."

I sighed and folded my arms over my chest sitting back down, "Fine, I'm no dressing up or anything."

Alisha smirked, giving me a half-hug, "I wouldn't expect you too."

(Alisha POV)

The night was going great, so far, despite all the awkwardness between my sister and former best friend. Mary had gotten Elena to invite her in, so that was no longer an issue and both she and Ellie were getting along with Stefan wonderfully. We had just finished dinner when the doorbell rang and I shivered. Mary noticed it and asked, "What's wrong?"

I turned my glare towards the door as Elena opened the door, "Damon's here, be on your guard."

Immediately all three of us were tense and stood side by side in the hallway, glaring at Damon. Caroline was smiling and brought in dessert. Stefan finally walked in and asked Damon, "What are you doing here?"

"Just waiting for Elena to invite me in."

Elena was about to agree, but Stefan and I blurted out, "No!" Stefan and I shared a look, knowing that we couldn't allow Damon inside so I turned to Elena, "Look we're almost done eating anyway, Elena."

Stefan agreed and added on, "Yeah and Damon can't stay, can you Damon?"

I sighed in defeat and Elena giggled, turning back to Damon, "It's fine, come on in."

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