Tension Runs High

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(Mary POV)

After confessing what I told Ellie about my sexuality to Alisha, we all sat together and Alisha confessed what she learned about what Emily did to her. 

After she explained everything Eleanor asked, "Wait, so to put it in simpler terms for us people who still don't know how to speak witch. Emily Bennet drew power from you to destroy the crystal that Damon wanted so bad, but she essentially also made you the crystal?"

Alisha nodded and I asked, "And the crystal was basically a key to unlock the door that holds really old vampires just like Damon?"

Alisha nodded, "27 vampires to be exact."

Eleanor then asked, "And your old pal Emily decided to make you the key to this door why? And please speak in simple terms."

I sighed, "I believe Emily made me the key because without a key there can be no lock, so essentially there would be no spell to keep the vampires locked in the tomb. The whole spell would have come crumbling down. Witch spells are very complicated and unfortunately the spell that keeps the vampires locked in the tomb is one of those complicated spells."

I nodded, "So now you are the one thing Damon will want the most, that is, if he finds out you're now his precious crystal?"

Alisha sighed, "Yeah and what I'm most afraid of is that if he does figure it out, he could then take me and use me as leverage to force Bonnie and Sheila to do the spell and let the vampires out of the tomb."

Ellie cracked her knuckles, "Great, so all we have to do is make sure Damon doesn't find out."

Alisha held up a finger, "Slight problem, if Damon finds Emily's grimoire then he'll be able to see how the spell works and its ingedients."

Ellie cocked an eyebrow, "And a grimoire is?"

"A magic spell book," Alisha answered plainly, "Witches throughout time have written down every spell they performed in order to keep a permanent record of their accomplishments to share with other witches. A collection of these documents is a grimoire."

I decided to ask, "Why don't you have one?"

She looked at me and stated matter-of-factly, "Do you think it would be easy to try and hunt down a small book every time you die and are reborn in a different area? And what about when you are reborn as a werewolf or a human who has absolutely no use of a grimoire?"

I held up my hands in defense, "I get the point, sorry I asked. So where's Emily's Grimoire?"

Now she held up her hands, "No idea, and I wouldn't even know where to start? Emily was always very reserved and to be honest I never laid eyes on her grimoire, so I wouldn't even know what it looked like."

Ellie plopped down in her seat, "So it will be practically impossible for Damon to find it right? I mean you and Emily were friends and she and Damon clearly were not, so he's never seen it either and would also have no idea where to look."

Alisha sighed, "Yeah, but that doesn't mean he's going to give up easily."

I took Alisha's hand and she looked up at me, "Hey, there's nothing to worry about. No one's going to find out and even if Damon does find the grimoire, we won't let him get anywhere near you. So why don't we all go home and have a good night's sleep?"

Alisha nodded, running a hand through her hair, "Yeah, I really need a shower. See you tomorrow girls."

Ellie and I walked out together five minutes later, "See you tomorrow, wolfie."

"I'm sure if I don't see you, I'll smell you, fangless."

I smirked and shouted back to her as I walked home, "Careful I might consider sink them into you!"

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