Let the Stream of Lies Begin

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(Alisha POV)

After I got done crying I remembered that I still had one more thing on the to do list, but it had to be done. So I pulled away from the girls and said, "Meet me here tomorrow after school and we will perform the ritual. We know the danger, so be careful as you both go home tonight."

"What are you going to do?" Mary asked as I gathered up my stuff.

"I'm going to go see Stefan to bargain for three vials of his blood."

"Wait, can't you do that tomorrow?" Ellie asked

"No, because the longer I wait the more dangerous that vampire becomes. Besides I need to make sure that we have Stefan as an ally in case of an emergency. I'll see you both tomorrow at school," and with those words I left making my way to the Salvatore Boarding House and the sun was already setting. This exchange was going to be risky since I was 75% sure that Damon was staying at the Boarding House and as soon as the sun set he would be released and I would be out alone, again, and I doubted that I would be able to catch him off guard again.

I arrived at the Salvatore Boarding House and someone I didn't recognize answered the door. "Hi, can I help you?" the man asked

"Oh, sorry, my name is Alisha Bennet and I was wondering if I could talk to Stefan?"

The man looked behind him and then turn back to say, "I don't think now's a good time, Alisha, it's getting pretty late."

Suddenly Stefan appeared behind the man, "Uncle Zack is everything ok? Alisha? What are you doing here?"

"Hey Stefan, I came to talk to you about something important, but if you're busy I can catch you at school tomorrow?"

I stepped down a step, backing away from the door when Stefan said, "Wait." I noticed him look at the setting sun and then glance inside the house. Damon must be inside and trust me I was probably just as nervous as he was, "I'll walk you home," he suggested coming down the stairs.

"Oh, ok, it was a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Salvatore," I said waving back to the door.

"It was a pleasure meeting you as well, Alisha. Have a good night."

"You too, Mr. Salvatore."

Once we were a good two blocks away from the house I let the stream of lies begin, "Stefan, I remember you from 1864." He looked shocked, but I continued on, "But I know it's not you killing people; it's Damon isn't it?"

He sped in front of me and stopped, "What do you remember?"

I forced tears to creep into my eyes, "I don't know, Damon attacked me a couple nights ago and I didn't know what I was doing at the time, but I stole his daylight ring. Here," I cried taking out the ring and shoving it into Stefan's hand, "I don't want it anymore. I don't want to remember things that I've never experienced, ever since Damon attacked me I've been remembering things that I don't recognize like a woman named Katherine and someone named Honoria. Stefan I don't know what to do!"

He pulled me into a hug and said, "It's ok, I'm going to help you in any way I can. I'll answer any questions you have."

I pulled away and continued walking, "What was my name in 1864?"

"Lovelia Fell, an extremely kind woman to everyone around her. Lovelia was one of my best friends back then and everyone could tell that she was in love with Damon, except him apparently. But you never confessed your feelings to him while you were alive and even after you died and came back a vampire. Do you remember how you died?"

"No, not yet anyways." I lied, remembering Mikael

"Well, anyways, even as a vampire you were kind to those around you and in a way I admired that about you. You always had control of yourself and your emotions, even when I didn't."

I nodded and then turned to Stefan and got serious, "Stefan, I think I know of a way to get rid of Damon, but in order to perform the spell I'm going to need three vials of your blood and a substantial amount of human blood."

"What are you planning to do?"

"I can't tell you yet, but I need your help. Can I count on you?"

He nodded, "You need three vials of my blood and would a blood bag of O+ work?"

"Yes, but it has to be human blood. I can't use my blood because I'm a witch."

"It's human blood. I'll get you everything tomorrow."

We arrived at my house and I ascended the stairs, "Thanks Steffy." I saw his eyes grow wide and I asked, "What? Did I say something wrong?"

He shook his head and smiled, "Uh, no, it's just that was Lovelia's nickname for me."

I cursed myself, "Oh, I'm sorry, if you don't want me to call you that then I won't."

"No, no, it's fine, Alisha. You can call me whatever you want. Now get inside, it's passed your bedtime."

I smirked and shouted, "Goodnight, Stefan." After getting inside I raced up to my room to gather all of the materials that I would need for the ritual tomorrow night and put them in a separate bag; a large mixing bowl, a ritual knife, a couple of white ritual candles, the daylight and moonlight rings, and various other tools to ensure that everything would go smoothly.

I smiled to myself as I went to sleep that night and started to get excited about what tomorrow held in store.

(Stefan POV)

I smiled to myself all the way back to the boarding house, she was back. Lovelia was back, well, her memories anyway. She was definitely different than she was in 1864, I mean she was younger than me now and she was a witch, but she still was just as kind as she was back then.

However, as I was reminiscing about the past Damon caught me off guard and pushed me against the wall next to the door, "Where were you Stefan? Huh? A friend from school?" I pushed him off and he held up his daylight ring in victory, "Or a blast from the past?"

I rushed at him, but he moved out of the way and I snarled, "Don't you dare think about hurting her!"

Damon held up his hands in surrender, "Easy, Stefan, I know you might not believe me, but I did love her; I just loved Katherine more. I promise you that I won't hurt her. In fact, as a little peace offering, you won't have to worry about getting her any blood because I'll do it."

"You will?" I asked before adding on, "How much did you hear?"

"Most of your conversation and I'm not mad that she's trying to get rid of me. Somewhere in her subconscious she might not have forgiven me for everything that happened back in 1864, but I must say I was pleasantly surprised to see her again. Well, you better get to bed Stefan you have school tomorrow and it would be bad if you fell asleep in class." Damon put on his ring before giving a little wave and heading upstairs, "Goodnight, Steffy."

I scowled and sighed, I was angry that Damon knew about her and Elena now, but somehow I knew that he would keep his promise about not hurting her. Just to make sure, before I went to bed, I stopped in front of Damon's door to see a blood bag from the basement next to him on the bed, as he cut his wrist and filled three vials with his own blood. If I was shocked to see her again, I could only imagine what Damon was thinking right now, or better yet what was he was feeling. I smirked just thinking about it.

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