Massive Hangovers

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(Eleanor POV)

I woke up the next morning to the very loud complaining of a certain 2000 year old witch and decided to turn on my phone. As soon as it was on it began ringing and I picked it up, "Hello?"

"Eleanor, hey, it's Stefan. Where is Alisha, I can't get ahold of her?"

I groaned, getting up to get ready and placing Stefan on speaker, "Sorry Stefan, the girls and I had a massive party last night. One of the rules was phones had to stay off and Alisha just woke up with a massive hangover just like me. Why? What do you need?"

"Elena's gone missing and when I called her earlier Damon was the one to answer."

I hissed due to my headache as I put on my clothes and made my way out, "What? Elena's missing with Damon? That's concerning to say the least."

"I know," he answered, "So I went to Bonnie to ask her for a locator spell, but she said she couldn't do it, so I need Alisha's help."

I nodded as I entered the kitchen where Alisha was, drinking water and pain meds. I placed the phone, still on speaker, "Here she is, you're on speaker."

Stefan spoke desperately, "Alisha, I need you to do a locator spell on Elena. She's missing and when I called her to ask where she was, Damon was the one who answered."

Alisha moaned in annoyance, "Stefan I have a massive hangover right now, I doubt that I could even focus enough to do a locator spell. Have no fear Stefan, I'm almost positive that Damon wouldn't do anything remotely harmful to Elena."

All Stefan had to say was, "She doesn't have her vervain necklace with her," in order to get Alisha up and moving. 

"Ok fine, I'll meet you at my grandparent's house in ten. Sheila may be able to help us, what about Bonnie?"

"I don't know, she took of after I asked her to help and said she couldn't do magic anymore."

"That's weird. Hold on, let me call you back from my phone, I need to find Bonnie."

"Ok, see you at Sheila's in ten. Bye."

After he hung up, Alisha grabbed her stuff and walked out the door, "See you guys later. If you need me, call. My phone will be on all day."

I nodded as she closed the door. I took pain meds with a swig of water and whispered to nobody, "That is the most bipolar witch I've ever seen."

(Alisha POV)

After leaving the house, I tried calling Bonnie and the voice said that the number I called could no be reached at this time. I tried four more times with the same result before making it to Sheila's. Stefan was already outside and I cried, "Sheila, I can't reach Bonnie! I think there's something wrong."

She simply looked at me, "Then do a locator spell and find her. It should be easy enough for you." Then she grabbed my face and smacked me, "You idiot, you are a two thousand year old witch, how could you let alcohol affect your focus?"

"I'm sorry, Shiela, but being reincarnated all over again and am now a high schooler, I can't stop myself. You know how puberty can be imagine going through that every couple hundred years."

She sighed, "Wait here, I'll find Bonnie and then the two of you will go fetch her."

I nodded and began waiting for Sheila. Stefan decided to break the awkward silence, "So, you're 2000 years old?"

I rolled my eyes, "My soul is, but my body is not. I'm not immortal Stefan, as you have witnessed, I can die. However the problem is I don't stay dead for long and am reborn into a new body."

Stefan nodded, "Must be hard, dying and living over and over again. Unable to really start over because your past still continues to haunt you."

I let out a sigh, "Yeah, it's one of the worst things ever, but I've managed to make the best of it. I'm probably one of the wisest people alive considering how long I've lived."

He smiled, "Woah, easy, you'll get wrinkles."

I nudged him, "Shut up, Steffy."

Sheila came back out, "She's at the Old Fell Church."

We nodded and Stefan picked me up and vamp sped us to the spot. Stefan jumped down into the hole and I hugged Bonnie, "Oh Bonnie, are you ok?"

She nodded, "Yeah, its just, there's something behind that door."

I looked up and saw the entrance to the tomb. I frowned and handed Bonnie to Stefan, "Stefan, I want you to take Bonnie back to Sheila. I'm going to stay here for a bit."

He took Bonnie and asked, "Why?"

I took a breath, feeling myself being drawn to the door and I knew it had something to do with what Emily did to me, "I don't know, I just have a gut feeling. But definitely come back once you escort Bonnie back to Sheila's, safely."

He nodded, "Ok, I will."

After getting confirmation, all my attention became fixed on the door. I stepped toward it and sized up its dimensions before the reaching up to place my hand on the door.

My hand began to glow orange and I gasped removing my hand from the door. I began looking from my hand to the door and my eyes widened and gasped, "Oh my god! I'm the crystal now. Emily turned me into the crystal."

I backed away from the door and took out my phone to call Stefan, but I had no service. I backed so I was the farthest away from the door and sat down to wait until Stefan came back. I began thinking about what would happen if Damon found out.

If he knew I was the crystal he would no doubt lock me up against my will to force Bonnie and Sheila to perform the spell. However the crystal was an inanimate object, because I am alive does that make me any different from the original crystal and if so, is there a certain condition I have to be in for the door to open?

When Stefan came back he asked, "What's wrong?"

I stood up and walked over to him, whispering, "It's not safe to talk about it here. There are prying ears just beyond that door."

Stefan nodded and got me out of the tomb. We walked toward the Falls before he asked, "So, what did you find out?"

I stopped and turned around to look at him, "I know what Emily did to my the night she destroyed the crystal."

I sat on the nearest rock and Stefan sat next to me, "What did she do?"

I shook my head, "She didn't just channel me in order to destroy the crystal, she transferred its power to me. In other words-"

"You are the crystal," Stefan finished my sentence and I nodded.

I ran a hand through my greasy hair, "I touched the door and my hand started to glow. If Damon finds out I'm afraid he's going to use me to force my family to open the tomb for him and I can't let that happen."

Stefan took my hand, the one that earlier glowed, "I promise not to let Damon or anyone else open that tomb. I promise that no one will hurt you or use you and your family. Trust me, neither Katherine or any of the other vampires will come back."

I smiled, "Thank you, Steffy."

My phone rang and it was Eleanor. I looked at Stefan, "Sorry, I got to take this." He nodded and I answered, "Yeah Eleanor, what's up?"

"Are you free to meet Marylin and I at the Grill?"

I looked at Stefan who nodded and so i replied, "Yeah, I'll be there soon. Bye."

Stefan went to pick me up, but I held up my hand, "Oh no, your heroic sprints are not good for my hangover. I'll just walk, but I'll catch you later ok?"

He nodded, "See you later, Lia."

I held up my finger, walking away, "Ah ah, you can't use that nickname anymore. Try using Ali from now on."

He smirked, "Alright, see you later Ali."

I grinned, turning back around to walk forward, "Much better!"

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