Friends are Everywhere

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(Alisha POV)

Truthfully after the failure of yesterday I didn't want to go home, so I spent the night curled up in the Salvatore crypt. I woke up and decided to grow a light green rose outside and then bring it inside to lay next to my name plate. I also decided to tie the daylight choker to it. I was leaving my past behind me, gone but never forgotten.

I walked outside and breathed in the air, focusing my magic to try and pinpoint any magical signal that might come from Emily's grimoire. Suddenly a familiar voice disrupted my concentration, "Kind of weird that I find you in a cemetery, Lovelia or Alisha, whatever you call yourself."

I rolled my eyes and turned around to face the person speaking to me, "To you everything I do might seem out of the ordinary for you. My soul is 2000 years old. I suggest you treat your elders with respect."

"Is that a threat?"

I shrugged, "It can be, but I prefer to define it as a warning. I assume you're here to free your mother?"

She nodded, "Yes and I'm not leaving until she's free."

I smiled sadly at her, "Well I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but in order to open the tomb, one needs Emily's crystal, which she destroyed by channeling me and possessing my sister. There's no way to open the tomb now."

Anna showed off her anger, "I can't give up! My mother has suffered for 145 years! There has to be a way!"

I scoffed, "Really? You think there's a way in Emily's grimoire?" She looked shocked, "Oh don't look surprised, my friend told me that you wanted the Gilbert journal. I assume that the location of the grimoire was in the journal."

She shook her head, "I haven't got the journal yet."

It was my turn to be shocked, "Really? After learning the teacher had it, you still haven't got it yet?"

She looked down at her feet, "I was hoping that you would know how to open the tomb, being a powerful Bennet witch and all."

I shook my head, "Nope. Sorry."

Anna raced up to me, "But you still might be of some use." She blew dust into my face and I collapsed.

(Eleanor POV)

I woke up the next morning and called Alisha only to be sent to voicemail. So I called Mary, "Hey have you been in touch with Alisha today?"

"No, why?"

"Well I tried to call her and she didn't answer."

"Look, after you left she found her sister's grave and went to find the place she herself was buried as Lovelia. She probably needs a day to herself. I say we take the day for ourselves as well."

"Are you sure we shouldn't try and find her?"

"I'm sure, she's a 2000 year old super witch, she can take care of herself."

I nodded, "Ok, I trust you, bye Mary."


After getting off the phone, I was left to wonder what the heck I was going to do all day. After changing, I decided to head to the Gilbert residence. When I knocked on the door, Jenna answered, "Eleanor, what a surprise!"

"Good morning Jenna, is Jeremy home?"

She opened the door, "He is, why don't you go and wake him up."

I smiled and walked into the house. I practically skipped up the stairs and quietly opened his door. I walked over to his sleeping form and sat down next to him on the bed. I reached out to stroke his hair and pursed my lips in sadness, knowing he would never love me. In his sleep, he moaned, "Anna."

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