Revealing the Truth, Partially

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(Alisha POV)

I was exhausted between staying up all night and performing multiple spells I didn't know how I was going to survive the day. I must have passed out because I woke up staring at the sickeningly white ceiling of the nurse's office. I groaned and sat up leaving a note for the nurse as I glanced at the clock to see that it was already lunchtime. Furious that half the day was already over, I sped walked to the lunchroom, to continue on with my mission because the comet was tomorrow, which didn't leave me a lot of time. I sat down next to my girls at the lunch table, "Hey guys, thanks for helping me out this morning and I'm sorry I was so out of it."

Eleanor got up from where she was sitting and gave me a crushing bear hug, "Don't scare me like that. Do you know how much it scared me that you collapsed like that? I'm the one with the hangover, I should be the one on the verge of collapse, not you."

Mary added on, asking, "Are you feeling better now?"

"Yeah, I'm fine now, but there's something really important that I need to talk to you about after school. Meet me at the old abandoned house on Waterfront Way after school ok?"

"Sure, but what's wrong?"

I got up and started walking away, "Nothing, I need to go get homework from the classes I missed this morning, but promise you'll meet me there."

I saw both of them nod and turned around and smiled walking out of the lunchroom. I gathered all of the homework and finished out the day strong.

After school I practically sprinted to the abandoned house and got ready spreading petals and leaves around the main room in order to provide proof of everything I was about to tell them. As soon as they arrived Eleanor asked, "Ok, Alisha what is going on? What is so important that you had to bring us to an old abandoned house in order to tell us?"

I smiled and caused the petal spread around the room to float, "I'm a witch, can you believe it!"

Both of them looked star struck, but not scared and Marylin whispered, "Wow, how are you doing that?"

I shrugged, "I don't know exactly, but I do know that I'm not the only supernatural creature out there."

Mary responded, "The creature that attacked Vicki Donovan yesterday?"

"And those two campers in the woods a couple days ago?" Ellie added on.

I nodded getting serious, "All caused by a vampire. I also remembered why I had that weird dream a couple days ago." I pulled down the collar of the black turtleneck I decided to wear today, to reveal the bite, "I was attacked by the same vampire."

Ellie came close and examined the bite, "Jesus, are you ok?"

I nodded, "Yeah, but I'm not strong enough to take this bad vampire on by myself and that's where I need your guy's help. The spell I'm planning on performing will link together a witch, a vampire, and a werewolf together making it so that the three can share their power."

Ellie shook her head, "Wait, werewolves exist too."

"Yeah and you are one, but not yet," I responded trying to remain calm.

"What? I'm a werewolf? How?"

"The Lockwood family since ancient times have always carried the werewolf gene, but it is not active until a specific event triggers it. Your whole family has the werewolf gene, but none of you have ever activated it, so you all have remained human."

Mary decide to step in, "Ok, so if Eleanor is the werewolf and you're the witch that means you're planning on making me the vampire. How exactly are you going to accomplish that?"

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