Division of Hearts

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(Alisha POV)

I mumbled and attempted to move only to feel an arm wrapped around my torso. I opened to see Damon's smirking face. I smiled back, "What are you smirking at?"

He moved so that he was leaning over me, "I'm just happy because I get you all to myself."

I giggled and got up just enough to kiss him before flopping back down, "Yep, lucky you." I stopped and remembered something, "Why and where did you take Elena?"

His smile disappeared from his face as he laid back down flat on his back, "Wow, you certainly know how to ruin the moment."

I frowned and got up heading to the bathroom, "Well I'm sorry for ruining the mood. If you aren't willing to tell me, then you can be gone by the time I'm done in the shower."

He called, "Mind if I join you?"

"Not really, but nothing is going to happen until I get answers."

He came into the shower with me, "Ok, fine. I found Elena in a car wreck and a vampire about to grab her. She passed out and I decided to take her along on a mission to see a witch."

I nodded, "So there's another vampire in town who's after Elena?" He nodded and I turned around to begin shampooing my hair, "Why did you need to talk to a witch?"

He sighed, "I was hoping to get some insight into another way of opening the tomb without the crystal."

I sighed and washed out the shampoo, "Do you still want to open the tomb? Even now?"

Damon wrapped his arms around me and whispered in my ear, "Of course not, I have you now."

I smiled, but got a slight feeling that he wasn't being totally honest. So I suggested, "Alright, then I want you to go apologize to Bonnie today. She needs to know that you were angry at Emily and not her, ok?"

He kissed my cheek, "Consider it done."

I smiled and turned around to kiss him as he got out of the shower. I finished washing and stepped out only to hear , "YOU'VE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME!"

I sighed, grabbing a towel and coming out of the bathroom to see Marylin standing in the doorway of my room glaring at Damon, who thankfully was fully clothed. She turned her attention to me, "Are you serious! After everything he's done, you slept with him?!"

I looked over at Damon, "You should go and don't forget to apologize to Bonnie."

"I won't, have a good day."

As soon as the door downstair closed, I looked into Marylin's eyes, "He's given up on opening the tomb because he's promised to love me. I told him everything about my curse."

"Oh yeah, was that before or after you told him you were the crystal?" I kept silent and Mary scoffed, shaking her head, "He doesn't know. Ok, so do you think he'll give up once he knows? You can't seriously trust him after all he's done?!"

My rage boiled over, "OF COURSE I DON'T!" I took a deep breath, feeling the tears pool in my eyes, "But is it so bad for me to want someone to love me back?"

Mary's demeanor immediately changed and she sighed, "No, it's not bad to want love. However wanting it blindly or for the wrong reasons is no way to live. You think I haven't wanted love since Bridgette? Of course I have, but I know that I need to give my heart the proper time to heal before moving on. Do you think Damon has truly given up on the woman he's waited for, for 145 years? It's gonna take more than a couple days to get over that. But if you feel like he loves you 100% than I won't stop you."

With those last words, I watched Mary leave and was left to ponder my own toxic thoughts.

(Mary POV)

After catching Alisha with the enemy and giving her some advice before leaving, I called Eleanor, "Hey, what's up beautiful?"

"We have a problem," I answered.

"What happened?"

I sighed, "You'll never guess who I caught at the Waterfront house with our favorite witch?"


"Nope, other Salvatore."


"Yep, Damon has apparently convinced Alisha that he's given up on opening the tomb and truly loves her and only her. Now Alisha didn't tell him she was the crystal, but I still don't trust him one bit. Do you really think he would give up opening the tomb if he knew she was the crystal?"

"No, so what are we going to do?"

"Well, I left Alisha with some food for thought before leaving her alone and I want to keep an eye on Damon, but I don' feel like missing another day of school. So, I'll meet you there?"

"Yeah, see you in class."



(Eleanor POV)

I was pissed after hearing what happened between Alisha and the enemy this morning and was shocked that Alisha even made it to school. However she did arrive late in a dress that matched her melancholy mood. She texted both Mary and I in a group text halfway through our second class, "Damon mentioned that there's another vampire in town who attacked Elena. I confirmed that claim with Elena and Stefan. Keep your eyes open for anything or anyone suspicious."

With that fact in mind, I went throughout the rest of my day, sniffing the air hoping to detect something abnormal. That is until Jeremy came up to me at lunch, "Hey Eleanor."

I smiled, "What's up Jeremy? Need something?"

He sighed, "No, I just wanted to ask you something."

I cocked an eyebrow, "What?"

He placed a flier for the decade dance in front of me, "In order to truly apologize for ditching you at the Founder's Ball, will you go with me to the decade dance?"

I picked up the flier, "The 50s? Are you sure you want me to be your date? Because I know you don't like me." I stood up and took the flier, "We'll go as friends and nothing more." The bell rang and I made my way to my next class, "See you then Jeremy. Have a great day."

I was happy and couldn't deny my glee, so I went home and found Aunt Carol. "Aunt Carol, can you help me?"

She smiled and looked up from her work, "With what dear?"

"I have a date to the decade dance. We're just going as friends, but I don't have anything to wear and I was wondering if you could help me?"

She got up smiling, "Of course, come with me and I'll get you all sorted out."

When we got up to her room she started looking through her closet as I sat on the bed, "You've never asked me to help you pick out outfits before, why ask now?"

I smiled as she laid a few outfits on the bed beside me, "Maybe I want this friend to be more than a friend?" I looked up at her, "You know I've never been any good with boys so I need you're advice."

Aunt Carol took my hands, "Well I know one thing; if this person, boy or girl, doesn't love you for the strong and independent woman you are, then they don't deserve you."

I chuckled, "It's a boy Aunt Carol."

She let out a breath, "Oh thank god." She grabbed the first outfit and handed it to me, "Now go into the bathroom and try this one on first. Once you choose your outfit then we'll decide on hair and makeup."

I groaned, "Is there any chance I'll be able to get to sleep in this century?"

I saw Carol place her hands on her hips, "Just hush and let me spoil my niece, she's finally opening up to me and I don't want to ruin it."

I closed the door and began changing, "You won't, because I'm here 100%. I'm a Lockwood and nothing can change that."

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