Crazy Morning at Hotel Salvatore

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(Alisha POV)

I was back in 1864 and I knew that I had to be dreaming, so I just decided to go with it. I was already a vampire and guarding the door to the parlor, where Stefan was currently consuming Old Man Gerald. I figured that because of his age no one would question if they suddenly found him dead. While standing there, listening in on Stefan, Emily Bennet approached me, "Lovelia, I need you to take this and hide it for me."

I looked at her confused, as she gave me her amber pendant, "Why? What have you done?"

"I cast a spell to protect the vampires who burned from dying in order to save Katherine. However, I didn't know when I cast it that it would save all of them, not just Katherine. Damon knows what I did and will try to release her once the comet comes again. That cannot happen so you must hide this."

I felt anger well in my stomach, but I knew how close she was with Katherine, so I couldn't condemn her for her actions. I had saved her once as well in another life, so I sighed taking the pendant, "I understand and promise to take this secret with me to the grave. Emily I do not blame you for wanting to save her for I have once in another life."

She smiled at me chuckling, "I know, you give off a vibe which can be sensed by any experienced witch near you. I also know of your curse and only wish for your happiness in the years to come."

"Thank you, Emily, I wish that for you as well." I heard a moan coming from inside the room and no sign of Gerald's heartbeat. I looked at Emily, "Could you possibly help Stefan clean up while I go hide this?"

"No problem, Miss Fell."

I nodded and left the Boarding House making my way to the new Lockwood Mansion. I stood outside and realized this particular vampire trick and shouted, "DAMON!"

I woke up hissing as a headache raked through my skull. I managed to open my eyes, but didn't recognize the ceiling and sat up, quickly only to clutch my head again. I noticed Stefan next to me, sleeping with clothes, and thank god I was wearing clothes too, so no worries there. Suddenly I heard a voice, "I'm impressed that you managed to resist, little witch."

I noticed Damon sitting in the corner of the room, getting up to approach me. I stayed silent and backed away from him, "Stay out of my head Damon, and stay away from me."

My arm hit Stefan who sat up to see Damon stalking toward me and said, "Damon, leave her alone."

Damon scoffed, "Well aren't you two just as thick as thieves again, just like 1864. Speaking of," he fixed his gaze on me again before continuing, "What did Emily mean about your curse?"

I sighed, bringing my knees up to my chest, leaning back against the headboard, "I don't have to explain anything to you."

Suddenly he was on the bed and had a hand on either side of my head, boxing me in, "Maybe you do, considering that you, as well as Lovelia, also mentioned that in a previous life you had saved Katherine."

Stefan grabbed one of Damon's arms, "Damon, let her go, she doesn't deserve this."

Without breaking our little staring contest Damon answered, "I think she does, considering all the pain she caused me yesterday."

"Ha," I responded, not wanting to lose, "you were the one who didn't hold up your end of the deal. Everything I did was justified, and you should be thanking Stefan that you're not dead already."

He flashed his fangs causing me to flinch and close my eyes, "Don't change the subject, little witch. What is your curse?"

My anger boiled over and I used my magic to throw Damon across the room, knocking him out, but as I did so my headache returned and tears welled in my eyes. I brushed my nose only to realize that is was bleeding. I gasped and ran into the bathroom seeing blood in my eyes as well, "What the hell is wrong with me?!"

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