Rising Tensions and New Alliances

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(Marylin POV)

I woke up the next morning to find Eleanor sleeping next to me, but no Alisha. I got up, trying not to wake Eleanor, and went downstairs to find her practicing an Indian style dance with headphones in. I smirked, shaking my head, "You should be resting, you know."

She noticed me and only smiled continuing to dance, taking out one of her headphones, "That's what you think. See, I've been sitting in a bathtub the past couple of days. I need to get out and move." 

I chuckled, "Whatever."

Suddenly she wrapped her arms around me, "Thank you. You saved Eleanor and I, you should be proud."

I hugged her back before sighing, "I hate to be the one to tell you, but Damon's got the grimoire and he's planning on getting Katherine out of the tomb." 

I saw the happiness drain from her face, "He told you?"

I nodded, "Yeah, I kinda had to spend the whole day with him yesterday. I learned a lot about him. Not anything about his past, but him as a person." I took Alisha's hands and looked her in the eyes, "He's a good guy, he's just hurt and fiercely loyal to the woman he loves. He's willing to do anything to get her back. I'm sorry that you're not that woman."

All Alisha did was smile sadly, "The allure of the doppelgänger is hard to escape. I've spent the better part of two thousand years learning that lesson the hard way. But what can you do when you're cursed right?"

I pulled her into another hug, "I'm sorry."

She hugged me back, "Don't be, it's not your fault. I'm tougher than anyone. I'll get over this eventually."

Suddenly Eleanor came trudging down the stairs, "Good because men are stupid." She pointed at me, "You're lucky that you also like girls. Alisha and I are stuck falling for those stupid and selfish men."

I chuckled, "Ok so, Damon might be planning to open the tomb soon and with Alisha here as the key to the door. What are we going to do? Are we going to help him or keep him in the dark?"

Alisha sighed, "We'll help him."

"What?" Eleanor asked, "Why?"

"He did help Mary save us yesterday and once he has Katherine, he'll leave our lives for good."

Eleanor sighed, "Fine, I'm in if you think its a good idea."

Suddenly Alisha's phone rang and I asked, "Is that Stefan?"

She looked at the screen, "Yeah why?"

I snatched the phone from her hands and answered it, "Good morning, backstabber. How did you and Elena sleep after destroying Damon's trust? I hope you didn't get a wink."

I heard him sigh, "Now's not the time, Marylin, please give the phone to Alisha."

I frowned, "Mmm, I think that until you've learnt your lesson, I'm not going to allow either Alisha or Eleanor help you in any of your endeavors. You have yourself a good day Stefan, goodbye!" I hung up the phone, tossing it back to Alisha, "Do not answer any phone calls from Stefan, he and Elena made Damon believe he could trust them and then went behind Damon's back. He's hurt and Stefan and Elena need a lesson in guilt and disappointment."

Eleanor scoffed, "Ok, so when did we start caring about Damon's feelings? What happened to you when you were with him yesterday? Does he have you wrapped around his little finger after just a day?"

I boiled up in anger, "How dare you say that? You don't know him. Behind that murderous douchebag exterior is a really sweet guy who just wants to be reunited with the woman he loves. But hey, if you have a problem with me feeling sympathy for him and are going to criticize me, then I'm just gonna go."

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