Thanksgiving Break

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(Mary POV)

It was finally Thanksgiving break and everyone was starting to smile again. The mayor decided to host a town wide potluck picnic to celebrate. It was bizarre, for just Ms. Wesley and I, sitting at a table with the Lockwoods and the Bennets.

Eleanor was closer with her family and seemed like she had completely gotten over the whole entire Vicki situation and I was starting to accept the weight of being an immortal.

However Alisha definitely took longer to heal, she seemed to always want to be alone. She kept distancing herself from her family, lying to herself and to us that she was ok. I understood why she did it, she felt and dealt with loss different than everyone else because it has always been a constant reality for her.

She had all but given up on revenge plots against Damon and everything else for that matter. However that Thanksgiving day she was brighter than I had ever seen her. After the initial announcements, Eleanor's aunt decided to do something fun, "Alright now that everyone has something in their stomachs, if you are brave enough, come on up to the stage and tell everyone what you're thankful for. Who wants to start?"

Alisha all but jumped at the opportunity and made her way up to the stage, "Good afternoon citizens of Mystic Falls. For those who don't know me, I am Alisha Bennet, and I am thankful for the usual things like friends and family, but I am also thankful for this town. It is a blessing to be born in a town with such a rich history in a community where we all can get along, guard, and take care of one another. So thank you Mystic Falls and Happy Thanksgiving!"

Eleanor and I broke out into claps and cheers, most everyone in the crowd following our lead. As soon as she got off the stage, I gave her a hug and made my way up to the stage, "Hi Mystic Falls, my name is Marylin Matthews and if you didn't already guess, yes I'm new to town. I was born a sickly girl and my parents had to move me out away from the city. So they chose Mystic Falls, waited until I had settled before taking off and leaving me alone with only my caretaker, Miss Wesley, to keep me company." 

I paused, taking a breath before continuing, "I'm not going to lie, I was contemplating suicide and even had it all planned out. I was going to blow my brains out using a shotgun while clutching our last family photo in my hands. But the day I was going to execute my plan was the first day of school and I thought, why not experience one day of school before kicking the can. I thought, 'No one was ever going to talk to me, I was the new girl, why would they?'"

Everyone in the audience was quiet and their full and undivided attention was on me, "But as soon as I walked into the classroom, Alisha called out to me and asked if I wanted to sit next to her and then join her again at lunch. She and Eleanor even took me to the Grill and bought me dinner! When I got home, the thought of suicide wasn't possible anymore. So, I guess what I'm trying to say is, I'm thankful for Miss Wesley, who sacrifices her happiness for my sake even though I can be a brat. I'm thankful for my two friends who mean the world to me and who saved me and taught me once again how to live my life. Finally, I also want to give thanks for this town because now that I'm here, I wouldn't want to live anywhere else. So thank you Mystic Falls, Happy Thanksgiving!"

The crowd erupted into cheers and congratulations as I stepped off the stage. Alisha, Eleanor, and Miss Wesley all wrapped me a big group hug. Once I was released from the hug, Alisha looked at Eleanor, "Well, Ellie are you going to share what you're thankful for?"

She scoffed, "In front of everyone like a sappy prune? Never, but privately to the two of you, always."

She took our hands and led Alisha and I away from the crowd. We stopped once we were at he fountain and she set us down. The werewolf stood in front of us, "Ok, here goes. Ali, before I met you I was a weak little girl who just took the constant abuse given to her everyday by her very own family. However, growing up and being your friend has allowed me to grow into the strong and independent woman that I am. Thanks to you I can stand up to my abusers and now I'm actually starting to get along with them. You allowed me to become a werewolf, and be bonded to you and Mary forever so that I know that I am never alone. Even when I'm alone and sad, I can feel your hearts beating along with mine in my chest. I am forever thankful that you are in my life, Alisha Bennet or Layisha or whoever you are."

Alisha and I giggled as Eleanor then turned to me, "Mary, I know that I haven't known you for very long, but I feel as though I've known you for years. You are the sister I've always wanted. Heck, I even killed you and you don't hold that against me. You're stronger than I could ever be and I'm not saying vampire strength, I'm saying you're stronger than me emotionally. In these short months you have become an emotional rock for me to stand on and a shoulder I can cry on. We were rushed into this new massive world that includes scary things that go bump in the night and you have taken it all in stride without blinking and you have inspired me to do the same. Therefore, I want to thank you Marylin Matthews, for not taking your life the day we met and fighting everyday to continue to live in this world where I need you and will no doubt continue to need you."

I was amazed and all could do was sit there and smile when Alisha stood up and held out her hands, "Aw, come over here you big softie."

She groaned, "No, I'm not a softie, how dare you say that."

I smirked, thinking of a great idea, "If you don't get over here and hug us, the punishment shall be severe."

She took a fighting stance and returned my smirk, "Bring it on, dull fangs."

I stood up and rushed her, wrapping one arm around her, pinning her arms to her body. Then I put a finger in my mouth and gave her a wet willy. She growled and managed to get me in a chokehold before digging her knuckles in my skull, effectively giving me a noogie.

However we were both too busy messing with each other that we forgot the witch standing two feet away from us. All I heard was an incantation before cold water came down on top of me beginning to soak into my nice warm clothes. I groaned, "Ugh."

Ellie gave the same tone, releasing me and shaking off whatever water she could, "Eww, great now I'm going to smell like wet dog the rest of the night."

Alisha burst out laughing before holding up and hand, "Sorry, I just thought that you two needed a cool down." She clutched her stomach and continued laughing.

I looked over at Ellie, allowing a smirk to grow on my face. She looked at Alisha, then back at me before smirking as well, giving a nod. I held up three fingers and counted down. At zero we rushed Alisha and all three of us landed in the fountain. We spent the next half hour or so giggling, running and splashing each other around in the fountain.

True we were busted by Sheriff Forbes and I got a lecture from Miss Wesley on the way home, but I had to admit that today was just about as perfect as any day could.

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