Treasure Hunt & Celebrations

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(Alisha POV)

I woke up to my cellphone ringing. I groaned, picking it up, "Hello?"

"Hey, how are you doing?"

I chuckled, "Ugh, Stefan, I promise that I'm fine. Trust me, I actually couldn't be better."

He chuckled back, "Really? Are you willing to tell me where you are?"

I sat up and saw that Marcel was nowhere to be found, "You know, Stefan, it's sweet of you to worry about me, but I shouldn't be the person you should be worrying about." 

I got up and went into the bathroom to change. I placed Stefan on speaker as he responded, "Why shouldn't I worry about you? You're one of the closest friends I've had and you take grief and heartache harder than even Damon. Damon explodes when he's depressed, you implode and that's even scarier."

I rolled my eyes and picked up the phone heading outside and down the stairs, "The reason why you should be more worried about Bonnie instead of me is that I've had 2000 years to deal with pain and loss. I implode because it doesn't cause anyone else pain except me. I already promised you that'd I'd be back in a couple of days, I don't need an over the phone babysitter. I'll call you tomorrow, goodbye Stefan."

I hung up before he could answer and took a deep breath before focusing my magic. Klaus had a talisman made for me, when he first took Marcellus and I in, to help me control my magic. I figured Klaus had it buried with me, so I needed to find where I was buried. I whispered the incantation and a breeze whipped through my hair and I followed it.

I ended up in the New Orleans City Park enjoying the art while still following the trail of my spell. I ended up underneath a large ancient tree with moss hanging down. I smiled and touched the tree only to have my phone ring.

I paused and looked down at the CallerID, Marcel. I smirked and answered, "Since when did you have my number?"

He chuckled, "Sorry about that, I took the liberty of putting my number in your phone while you were asleep. Where are you right now?"

I sighed, "Oh just tracking down the location where I was buried. I want my necklace back."

"Alright, but Klaus didn't bury your necklace with you."

I frowned and asked, "What?"

"He gave it to me to hold onto as something to remember you by. I hung it up in your room after your funeral. It's been there ever since."

I smiled and looked down at the ground, "It's kind of weird to come to the place where you're buried. I've done it once before, but it's still so surreal." I took a deep breath, "I'll be back in a bit. Have lunch ready when I get back, love you Marcel."

"Love you too, Alisha. See you soon."

I hung up the phone and made my way back to the compound. The table in the dining room had been set and compelled waiters and chefs were in motion moving to and from the kitchen. I shook my head and sat down in my chair, "Are all the theatrics necessary Marcel?"

He came into the room chuckling, "No, but it's good fun."

I let out a laugh as a steak dinner was placed in front of me, "Well thank you for being the perfect gentleman and host. I couldn't have asked for more."

We began to eat and Marcel asked, "Well I plan to make your homecoming one that will go down in New Orleans history. have you chosen what you're going to wear yet?"

I gave my brother a look, "No, not yet, but I do wonder how extravagant this party will be. What are you planning exactly?"

I noticed the mischevious smirk on his face that reminded me of Klaus, "All in good time, Alisha."

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