Trip Down Memory Lane

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(Mary POV)

I spent the night with Eleanor, trying to soothe her after poisoning Vicki. I told her that it wasn't just her fault, it was mine too for not stopping her even though I could've. Neither of us slept well and the morning was no better.

I figured I would go over to the Salvatore house to help get rid of Vicki's personal items. I came in without knocking and went up to the room where Vicki had been staying only to see a blonde girl standing over Damon, threatening him, "I'm older and that means stronger."

Damon squeaked, "I'm sorry."

"Do not ruin my time with Stefan or I'll kill you."

I snickered and suddenly her attention was on me and I walked in, "I don't know who you are, but I love you already." I looked down at Damon, "Anyone who can put him in his place deserves my respect." I held out my hand, "Pleasure to meet you, my name's Marylin."

The blonde released Damon and smiled coming over to shake my hand, "Lexi; who turned you and how old are you?"

I pulled back, "I was turned by my witch friend using Damon's blood. I've only been a vampire for a couple of months."

Damon sat up, "Bloody Mary's witch friend is the reincarnation of Lovelia Fell."

Lexi's expression became serious and then morphed into hope. She grabbed my shoulders, keeping me in place, "Is that true?"

I nodded, "Yeah, but I would recommend you calling her by her real name, Alisha Bennet."

"Can you get her here? I would love to meet her."

I shoved Lexi's hands off, looking around for anything Vicki left behind as I responded, "That's probably not a good idea, she had a rough night last night."

"What happened?"

Damon decided to answer as I walked out of the room and back downstairs, "Alisha is feeling guilty about killing a certain newbie vampire who was on death's door. She hoped that Vicki could be saved and reformed, but she nearly killed two people."

I found a stake on a shelf and rushed back upstairs, staking him in the gut, "She wouldn't have had to kill Vicki if you hadn't turned her in the first place. I just came to get rid of any evidence she might have left. Now that I see there's nothing here, I'm going to go check on my friend."

Lexi smirked as I passed her, "I like you too, see you later!"

I walked out and sped over to the clubhouse, walking inside, "Alisha! You here! I think we should talk!"

A scream came from upstairs and I rushed toward it only to see Alisha violently thrashing in her sleep. I didn't immediately wake her up and instead decided to slip inside her head. I watched in horror as Alisha was stabbed, burned, and beaten by none other than herself.

I rushed forward and fed on the Alisha doing the torture before looking into the other's eyes, hoping I was speaking to the right one. "Alisha, you need to snap out of this." I looked down at the Alisha lying dead on the floor, "You need to stop torturing yourself just because of the bad things that happened in your past." I forced her to look into my eyes, "None of this is your fault, you were cursed into having heartbreak constantly follow you, but you have always fought through it. You are a survivor and you need to continue to be so. Look to the future instead of reflecting on your past mistakes." I smiled and asked, "Take me to one of your best memories."

She nodded and the scene around us changed. We were no longer in the dark, we were out in the sunlight. I turned just in time to watch a young boy run past my feet. Alisha chuckled and I turned to see her dressed in a very old dress, "Can you guess what my name is in this life?"

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