Bonfire Night

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(Alisha POV)

I woke up early the next morning because of a nightmare about the night before. I took my shot of vervain and left a note for Bonnie telling her that I would be walking to school. I decided to head to the Lockwood estate wearing a blue turtleneck and jeans. When Mayor Lockwood opened the door I smiled, "Good morning Mayor Lockwood, is Eleanor awake?"

"I don't know, Alisha, but you can go upstairs and check. Are you sure that you're alright?" the large man answered.

"I'm fine, just had a rather terrifying nightmare last night," I answered, stepping inside the threshold.

"What kind of nightmare, dear?" Mrs. Lockwood asked coming down the stairs.

I thought about it for a second and then decided it was best to warn the Founder's Council, "I dreamed that I was walking back to my house last night when suddenly fog started to roll in around my feet and a crow cawing at me from a low branch on a tree. Suddenly a twig snapped behind me and I got scared and ran only to bump into a large man who bit down on my neck and, after that I woke up." I reached up to touch my neck before continuing, "It felt real and that was the scary part."

I saw Mrs. Lockwood give her husband a look before coming up and hugging me. As she did that she looked under my turtleneck to see the bandaged bite mark. To quickly cover herself she said, "Well don't you worry about a thing, it was just a dream. Well it's time that we go, feel free to wake Tyler up and have him drive you and Eleanor to school. Have a good day dear."

I smiled back at her, "Thank you, both of you have a good day too." I made my way upstairs and walked into Eleanor's room without knocking. I smiled down at her sleeping form and was happy that she could live without knowing anything, but I needed her in order to become strong enough to take down Damon. I whispered to her shaking her softy, "Ellie, it's me. Your one true love."

She groaned before asking, "Domino's Pizza?"

I snickered, laying down next to her, "No, but good guess. I just needed to talk to you."

She rolled over to face me, but kept her eyes closed, "What? What's wrong?"

I sighed, "Do you believe in reincarnation?"

She opened her eyes looking slightly concerned, "No, why? What happened?"

I took in a deep breath, "Because I think I had a nightmare last night about one of my past lives. It was a dream and yet it felt so real."

She laid her head on my lap and said, "Well why don't you tell me what exactly you saw?"

"Ok, um, in the dream I was wearing like civil war clothing and everyone around me was calling me Lovelia. I'm being told by this woman named Emily that someone named Damon is alive and I immediately run to him. However, on the way there I get caught by Mr. Hottie, Stefan Salvatore and then he brings me to kneel in front of the guy I was running to, Damon. If you can believe Damon is even hotter than Stefan."

"What?" Ellie asked, interrupting my story and sitting up, "There's no way, describe this Damon."

"Well, he has raven black hair and the most beautiful, light blue eyes you have ever seen. His skin is pale, but so sweet and strong. But anyway Stefan makes me kneel in front of Damon and then bites down on my neck from behind and then shoves me toward Damon who drinks from me and bites down on me. Stefan bites down on the either side of my neck and I get drained dry and die in pain. That's when I woke up," I looked my friend in the eyes and said, "I honestly couldn't tell if I was alive, until I could feel my own pulse if I was alive or dead. What do you think this is?"

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