Bye Bye, Crystal

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(Eleanor POV)

I woke up Monday morning with a grin on my face as I grabbed my backpack and headed downstairs. I was almost out the front door when Tyler called, "Hey! Want a ride to school today?"

I turned back to him, at the top of the stairs, and shook my head, "Naw, I'm gonna run it today, but thanks anyway. See you at school, Ty!"

I smiled as I heard him call back, "See ya later, shrimp!"

I put in my headphones and began my run. It felt incredible to be out in the open fall air. I passed the Forbes house as the Sheriff was getting into her car and waved, "Have a great day, Sheriff!"

She waved back, "You too, Eleanor, and stay out of trouble!"

I saluted, "No promises, Sheriff!"

I continued running and passed the Gilbert house, just as Elena was getting into her car, "Hey Elena! I'll race ya!"

She scoffed, "I don't think that's a good idea, but I'll see you there."

I nodded and saw Jeremy walk out and I waved at him, "Morning Jeremy!"

I ignored any response, which was well within my rights, considering I was still sour about the Founder's Ball. However then I started thinking about it. It was true that he ditched me to have sex with Vicki, but I did end up playing a big part in her death, and now we were covering it up saying she ran away. So, I guess that makes us all good or at least even.

I shook the thought from my mind and saw the school within my sights and sprinted the remaining distance only stopping to catch my breath and collapse on a bench out in front of the main doors. 

I felt amazing, even after regaining my breath and walking into class. Nothing could keep me down and we even had a new history professor! Mr. Saltzman was an interesting guy, for instance, he was nice and actually made history sound fun.

Alisha, Marylin and I even made plans to go have a sleepover at the vampire's house. 

The sleepover was going great until Alisha fell to her knees, clutching her chest. Mary and I rushed over to her, "Woah, Alisha, what's wrong?"

She steadied her breathing and got up, "I gotta go, something's wrong with Bonnie."

Mary reasoned, "Well let us go with you, we might be able to do something together."

Alisha shook her head, "No, you can't, because Bonnie isn't going to be Bonnie right now."

I raised an eyebrow, "Wait, explain in non-witchy cryptic terms please."

Alisha took a deep breath, "Bonnie has been possessed by her ancestor, Emily Bennet, using her amber crystal. Emily was one of the strongest witches ever to be born within the Bennet line. She was a friend of mine way back when, but she holds vampires and werewolves in contempt. I'm afraid if I took you with me then she might try to kill you. Plus, if I don't comply with her demands, then something bad might happen to Bonnie."

She slipped on her shoes and made her way downstairs, "I have to go alone, but I promise to be careful and no matter how much you are tempted, do not follow me."

Mary and I watched her stomp out the door and out into the night and I looked at Mary, "We should go and follow. We'll keep our distance, that way she'll never know we were there."

Mary nodded and we made our way downstairs, but Mary tried opening the door, but it wouldn't open, "What the hell?"

"What's wrong?"

"The door won't open."

"What?" I grabbed the doorknob and couldn't even turn it. I then rushed over to the nearest and tried to open that, but couldn't. I growled and picked up the vase, throwing it at the window only to have it bounce harmlessly off the window and break on the floor.

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