Damon Returnes

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(Alisha POV)

I woke up the next morning to the smell of Sheila making tea and walked downstairs, "Good morning, Grams."

"Good morning, Alisha, would you care to share some tea with me?"

"I would be honored."

After each of us taking a sip she asked, "Is Bonnie up yet?"

I shook my head, "No, I think we should let her sleep in before bombarding her with our family history."

"Which history should we start with?"

I gave her a pointed look, "I would prefer to save the fact that her younger sister is a two thousand year old reincarnator for the end because that is an entirely different history which I am not ready to tell yet."

Sheila nodded, "I understand, I'm just glad that you are willing to tell her, considering that you would usually keep that a secret."

I shrugged, taking another sip, "I see no reason for hiding it, if Bonnie chooses to become a witch I want her to know everything." Sheila nodded and my phone rang, "Excuse me."

"Take your time."

I chuckled, walking outside, "I always do, never take a second for granted." I answered, "Good morning Stefan."

"Hey, how quickly can you get back to town?"

"Why? Stefan what's wrong?"

"Zack's dead. Damon used his influence over Caroline to get free. Caroline's alright, but I'm afraid of someone else getting hurt."

I froze, "When did he get out?"

"Sometime yesterday afternoon."

"And you only think to call me now?"

"I'm calling you now because Damon doesn't have his daylight ring, which means he stuck inside somewhere in Mystic Falls. While the sun is out, you and the others have an advantage to put him back on ice. I will warn you that he had all night to regain his strength."

I sighed, "Fine, but what are you going to do?"

"Elena found out about Damon and I, I have today to tell her the truth and convince her not to tell anyone, but someone needs to find Damon before the sun goes down."

I nodded, "Ok, the girls and I will find Damon. You take care of Elena. Bye Stefan."

"Bye, Alisha."

I hung up and stormed back inside, grabbing my stuff, apologizing to Grams as I walked out the door again, "I'm sorry to rush out on you, Grams, but my past beckons."

She nodded, "I understand, just leave Bonnie to me."

I returned the nod, "I trust you, take care of her." I stormed out and got into my car, getting on a conference call with Eleanor and Marylin.

"Ugh, Alisha, It's too early for this crap," Eleanor complained.

Mary responded, "What's the emergency?"

"Stefan just called and informed me that Damon escaped yesterday afternoon and killed Zack."

Both girls screched, "WHAT?!"

I sighed, "I know, but Damon doesn't have his daylight ring, which means that he's stuck hiding somewhere and we have the advantage over him. The downside is that he had all last night to feed and regain his strength. Meet me at the clubhouse and we'll stock up on weapons before we start hunting, ok?"

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