First Day of Sophomore Year

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(Alisha POV)

I woke up to my alarm ringing, but remained in bed until Bonnie called from downstairs, "Alisha! You need to get up! We're picking up Elena today!" I waited a moment then I hear her add on, "If you don't get up now I'm going to call Caroline!"

"Alright!" I shouted back before getting up and groaning all the way to the bathroom. As I turned on the light and went through my daily routine. I brushed and braided my platinum blonde hair down my back before washing my face and brushing my teeth. I might be her little sister, but I couldn't look more different than Bonnie with my pale complexion, bright hair, and red eyes, but that's the way I've always looked and I wasn't going to change it.

After brushing my teeth, I went into my room and put on black skinny jeans and a nice purple blouse. I slipped on tennis shoes and my backpack before heading downstairs. I made myself eggs and my lunch before we got in the car and drove to Elena's house. I was in the backseat reading Othello, when Elena turned around and asked, "Hey, Alisha are you excited for school?"

I was about to say a snarky comment, but then I remembered what she experienced before summer vacation, so I smiled at her, "Yeah, I can't wait to see Eleanor again, I haven't seen her all summer. What about you?"

She smiled back, but I could tell she was faking it when she responded, "Yeah, of course, I can't be sad forever, right?"

I tuned her out once Bonnie joined the conversation, until for some reason Bonnie slammed on the breaks and my face slammed against the back of Bonnie's seat. I screamed in anger, "What the hell was that?"

"It must have been a bird or something, are you both alright?" Bonnie asked

I grab my nose and pull my hand back and saw blood, "Yeah, I'm just going to go to the nurse's office to get some ice. Elena?"

"Yeah, I can't be afraid of cars for the rest of my life."

Bonnie took a deep breath and looked her depressed friend in the eyes, "I predict, this year is going to be kickass and I predict all the sad times are going to be over and you are going to be beyond happy." As soon as I saw Elena smile, I smiled too, hoping the same thing for myself.

True to my word, as soon as I got to school, I went straight to the nurse's office and iced my nose. It didn't take long before Eleanor came bursting in, "Oh my gosh, Alisha, are you ok? Bonnie told me what happened, I can't believe your already in the nurse's office on the first day!"

I smiled, lowing the ice, "I'm fine, Ellie, just a little sore, but I wouldn't mind having an escort to class."

Eleanor smiled and bowed before offering me her arm, "It would be an honor to escort you to class, milady. Shall we make a stop at your locker first to retrieve thine textbooks?"

I stand up and get into character, hooking my arm in hers, "That would be wonderful, my brave lord." As we started walking I looked up at her giggling and breaking character for a moment, "I missed you over the summer."

"I missed you too, you have no idea how annoying it was at that stupid anger management training camp my aunt sent me to," she replied.

"That bad, huh?"

Ellie groaned, "They made us wake up at the crack of dawn, just to do meditation and confess our feelings."

I sighed, "I'm sorry, she wouldn't have sent you if I hadn't provoked Tyler in the first place."

We made it to my locker, "No, Alisha, it wasn't your fault. Tyler was being a first rate jackass and you were just defending me, HE was the one who took it too far and tried to hit you. What good is having friends if you can't protect them from your narcissistic family?"

I smiled and hugged her, after putting my book in my bag, "Don't worry, from now on we have each other's backs, just like we have ever since elementary school." We broke apart and I slipped back into character, "Well, my good lord, I do believe that I am ready to depart for class."

She smiled back and hooked my arm in hers again, "Then we must make haste, we wouldn't want to get scolded on the first day, now do we?"

We both started laughing like the nerds we were up until we arrived at the classroom. As usual we claimed the two seats in the back of the classroom, nearest to the windows and waited patiently for class to begin. I wasn't surprised when Jeremy Gilbert never showed up, but I did notice an obviously flustered new girl walk into class and Eleanor leaned forward, seeing her too, "I always feel bad for the newbies. What do you think?"

I smirked and called out, "Hey, new girl, you can come sit next to me if you want."

She gave me a small, shy, yet fake smile before sitting in the seat next to mine. She had dirty blonde hair and nice hazel eyes, but she looked broken and I couldn't ignore that, in fact that is what drew me to Eleanor. Eleanor for most of her life has been psychologically abused by her family, and even sometimes physically by her cousin Tyler. During one of those episodes I stepped in between her and Tyler and used a bit of magic to push him forcefully away.

I could tell this girl was broken too so I stuck out my hand once she was comfortably seated, "Hi, I'm Alisha Bennet and this is my friend Eleanor Lockwood, it's a pleasure to meet you."

She smiled and shook my hand, answering, "Hey, nice to meet you both too; Marylin Mathews. How did you know that I was new?"

I heard Eleanor scoff from behind me, "Please, this is a small town, everyone knows everyone and it's a rare thing to get new people moving in, almost historical. So, what's your story?"

I sighed, "Ignore her, Eleanor can be quite rude sometimes, but she means well. You don't need to tell us anything and we'd be happy to show you around Mystic Falls after school if you want?"

The fake smile I saw before erupted into a genuine one as the girl responded, "Yeah, that'd be great! Thank you!"

I smirked, "No problem."

"Ladies, if you are quite finished I would like to start class," our professor called.

Eleanor looked at Marylin and whispered, "To be continued."

The first few classes of the day were perfect and when lunch rolled around, Marylin joined us and we had a rather interesting conversation that started with Eleanor asking Marylin, "So, Mary, what brings you and your family to Mystic Falls? Got family that used to live here?"

I noticed Marylin's face scrunch up in anger. She sighed before spilling her story, "No, my family brought me here for my health. I am a severe asthmatic and my doctor told my family that it would be good for my health to move me out of the city. However, after moving me into the house two weeks ago they just abandoned me here with no way of contacting them."

"Your living by yourself," I asked

"No, I'm living with my housekeeper slash guardian, Hannah Wesley. I can't really blame her; she's been good to me. Let's just say, I'm not very enthusiastic about these next couple of years."

Eleanor placed her hands on the table, "Well, now I know why Alisha was so interested in you as soon as you walked in the door."

Mary looked between Ellie and I before questioning, "What do you mean?"

I took a bite out of my sandwich as Eleanor explained, "See, Alisha here has this special ability to sense when people need her help and support, especially when it comes to family matters. Alisha did the exact same thing with me, back when we were in elementary school, my stupid elder cousin used to physically abuse me. However, one day Alisha came to my rescue and literally knocked my cousin on his ass. She became my first real friend and now it seems that she wants to be there to support you too, and I promise you that if you need either of us, you just holler, understand?"

Marylin smiled at us, "Thank you; both of you."

I smiled back at her, "Want to come to the Mystic Grill after school and just talk?"

"Yeah, that'd be great, I'll see you guys after school then!" Mary gave us one last beaming smile before heading off to her next class as Eleanor and I went our separate ways to finish out the school day.

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