Trying to Control the Druggie Vampire

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(Mary POV)

It had been a crappy month, ever since Vicki turned she could not seem to control her bloodlust and I was constantly getting calls from Stefan to come help teach her, since he thought that as a fellow newbie vampire I could connect with her better. That meant I was constantly over at the Salvatore house and in the presence of Damon, Vicki's Jiminy Cricket from hell. 

Alisha had got out of the hospital just fine, although she now had a permanent scar under her right eye and had to wear a contact in that eye in order to see clearer and Eleanor was taking good care not to let anyone get too close to her or let Alisha out of her sight. We called a truce with Damon for Vicki's sake and life became somewhat normal again. Well, unless you count the druggie vampire who wanted to sink her teeth into any person she saw.

Stefan had asked Alisha to make Vicki a daylight ring, but she refused saying she had to learn control before she could even think about letting her walk around during the day.

I went over to the Salvatore house only to find Vicki choking Elena, pressing her against a wall. I rushed forward and pushed Vicki off of her and opened the curtain forcing her to be trapped in the shadowed corner of the room, "Don't make empty threats Vicki, it's unbecoming of you." I walked through the sun and decided to give her a taste of her own medicine. I grabbed her neck and choked her pressing her up against the wall just like Elena and then got in her face, "Just because you're a vampire now, doesn't make you god because I will not hesitate to watch you burn in the sun." I pushed her into the sun and watched her singe for a few seconds in agony before closing the curtains. I locked eyes with her as I came to stand over her, "Please don't make me kill you because I really don't want to. Get back upstairs, Stefan will be back soon with more blood."

She reluctantly complied and then I looked at Elena, "You ok?"

She nodded, obviously still shaken, "Yeah, thank you."

I shrugged, "Someone got to look out for the little guy, might as well be me. Once Stefan gets back I gotta go shopping with Eleanor and Alisha for costumes."

"No problem, have fun."

I smiled as the girls and I rolled up to the party in our costumes. Eleanor was a roman princess, forced to costume match with her cousin, Alisha was a piratess, and I was a sexy devil, complete with fake horns and a pitchfork.

Eleanor and I were on the dance floor while Alisha went to get drinks and then she suddenly stopped and I asked, "What?"

Her eyes widened, "I smell Vicki, she's here."

My eyes widened too, "Well what do we do? Find Alisha?"

"No, we may not have time, just send her a text and she'll meet up with us eventually."

I nodded and Eleanor and I began our hunt of Vicki. I heard Elena scream and pulled Eleanor in the direction. We burst outside and I pulled Vicki off of Elena. She moved to bite Jeremy, but Eleanor intercepted her and threw her into one of the nearby buses. I ordered Stefan, "Get them inside, we'll deal with Vicki!"

He nodded and herded the Gilbert's inside. I saw Vicki speed under one of the buses, Ellie and I split up. I heard a bang and sped over just in time to watch Eleanor sink her fangs into Vicki's neck. Vicki dropped and then felt her neck, looking up at Eleanor, "What did you just do to me?"

I saw the fury in Ellie's eyes as she picked Vicki back up and slammed her into the side of the bus, "Crash course Vicki, I am a werwolf and my bite is poisonous to vampires and guess what? There is no cure. Now we are going to play a little game, you are going to run away and if we find you, you're dead. However if you somehow manage to evade us you can live out the rest of your days thinking over the consequences of your actions, until the poison kills you." Ellie then dropped Vicki and growled, showing off her yellow eyes, "Shouldn't have tried to kill Jeremy; you have a minute head start, better take advantage of it."

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