vii. jeff atkins

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Beez in the trap - Nicki Minaj

jeff atkins      

    "Hey shortie," Jeff teased when he found me.

"I'm not that much shorter than you." I'm such a liar.

"What are you? Like five foot three inches and I'm like six."

"So what? I'm better," This wasn't a lie.

"Yeah and you also like me," he grinned. Well shit.

"No I don't! Who told you that?" I denied, even though it was true that I liked him, I have for the past three years.

"It's obvious."

"It's not really that obvious, is it?" I frowned and hurried towards my locker.

"It is now."


"I know you like me now," his smile was perfect I struggled to turn away.

"Ugh okay Jeff I like you, don't make me regret that I do," I pulled out random books in my locker to make it look like there was a purpose that I was at my locker, well there was a purpose, so Jeff could keep talking to me.

"It doesn't matter because I like you too," I slammed my locker shut and faced him.

"Now you're really making me feel bad, okay thanks," I pushed past him and walked away but was pulled back.

"No. I really do like you Y/N," he looked like he was telling truth. But I didn't believe him.

"Where's the camera? TYLER!" I shouted, looking around for Tyler who was nowhere to be found.

"This isn't a joke Y/N, see watch," he hesitated but leaned in and kissed me, I was too overwhelmed to kiss him back so I didn't.

"Now that's gonna get lots of views on youtube," I spoke quietly.

"Y/N why don't you just believe I like you?"

"Because out of all the girls in the school, you choose me. Why? When all of the other girls here are so much prettier and more popular than I am-" Jeff's lips crashed into mine, and this time I kissed back.

When he pulled away there was that smile again, "I'm not like the other guy's at this school, I don't like people jist because of their looks and their rank in this school's popularity list whatever the fuck it's called, I will treat you like a fucking princess and if you say no to being my girlfriend then i don't know what will happen because I've already planned out our lives together..."

"Oh my god," I laughed, "you planned out our lives? That is so cute."


"Yes I'll be your girlfriend," I hugged him.

"I'll book the wedding band."



Sorry for another shitty imagine and I have been thinking of other stuff to do with my other book, like maybe set up twitter accounts or snapchat


sincerely yours, liz

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