xviii. zach dempsey

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FEAR. - Kendrick Lamar

zach dempsey, for arianaobriendallas «

    I was walking in the hallway at school with my best friend Zach. We've been best friends since I moved to Liberty five years ago.

"Ari, I dare you to do it," he chuckled lightly. I shook my head and smiled, he'd bugged me the whole day to do it.

"Zach, stop asking me to do it."


"Because it's stupid," I mumbled and sped up to the girl's toilet.

"Come on!" I heard his voice before I closed the door to the toilets.

I sighed and walked to mirror to fix my hair.

"You should do it," Zach came into view, I stepped back in shock.

"Zach! Get out!" I screamed waving at him to exit.

"It's not like you were doing anything you didn't want me to see, plus there isn't anybody else in here," he laughed and looked around, "I thought girl's toilets would be clean."

"Why? Because it's stereotypical?"

"What? No! I'm not that kind of guy, I just thought-" he stopped and looked back at me, "if you do it, you will be rewarded."

"With what?" I raised my brow and grinned, "I'm expecting money, give me money."

"Uhh no, something better than money, but you'll find out after you do it." 

"Ugh, fine Dempsey, I'll do it, only because I love you," I walked past him and out of the toilets to the hallway. 

Zach stepped out of the toilets as well and we walked side by side.

I looked around and spotted a crowd of students walking our way, I ran and joined the back of the crowd. 

"Oh god," I smiled at myself, "why am I even scared to do this? Everyone else would probably do this for fun-"

"Just do it, Ari."

"Oh my god, look at the blood on her pants!" I shouted, all of the girls turned and scanned the crowd for the 'girl with blood on her pants'.

"See, all those girls are on their period," Zach laughed and then cringed, "gross, I regret making you do that, I sit next to some of them in my classes."

"That was so fun I'm gonna do that again someday, thanks," I made my way through the crowd and stopped where Zach and I could talk. "Now, Dempsey, where is my money?"

"Money? Oh yeah, I'm not giving you money, I'm letting you touch my hair," he pointed at the top of his head.

"Oh my, that is so much better than money," I shouted with excitement, I jumped up and grabbed his head, pulling him down. "Your hair is so soft," I smiled and ran my hands through his hair and messed it up.

"I said touch it! I didn't say ruin it!" He groaned and straightened his back so he was looking at me.

"I like messy hair, it's sexy," I spoke in a low voice.

"Did you just try to be seductive?" He frowned and grinned, I nodded. "I like it."

"What do you mean 'you like it'?" I asked.

"I like you, Ari."


"I like you-"

"I know, I know, I just wanted you to say it again," I chuckled, "I really, really, really, really, really, really-" I sang the words to Carly Rae Jepsen's song, "don't like you!" I finished, Zach's smile dropped instantly. "I'm joking Zach, I really, really, really, really, really-"

"Shut up already," he mumbled and reached his arms out and pulled me towards him, and out of nowhere, we kissed.

It was slow and passionate, I didn't want to pull away, but it ended quickly.

"Gross, gross, yuck, aids, pasta sauce, gross, STD, gross, ew, PDA, gross, yuck," Clay Jensen said as he stopped in front of us.

"What do you want Clay?" Zach asked annoyed.

"I want you two to stop," he laughed, I chuckled and Zach glared at him, "Ari actually needs to go now, her mother has texted me and asked for her location."

"Oh shit," I whispered, "I'm sorry I have to go," I ran out of the building and forgot to say bye, as I reached the door I heard Zach's voice again.

"We should do that again! Minus Clay!"



I really like Kendrick Lamar and his songs.

This sucks though I am so sorry.

I'm trying to get as many imagines as I can tonight because I have 30 imagines to do GRRR so I also have to update Sahara.

sincerely yours, liz

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