xvii. jeff atkins

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Mockingbird - Eminem aka my father

jeff atkins, for ArianaObrienDallas «

    I closed my locker with frustration. I hate school very much, as much as I hated all the students that hated school as much as I did.

"There's my favourite girl." Jeff voice echoed in the hallway, I turned around and smiled. Okay, maybe I didn't hate everybody at Liberty.

"Hello my favourite boy," I hugged him and we stayed there for what felt like forever. "You smell nice," I sniffed, his chest vibrated as he laughed and tickled my face.

"Thanks Ari."

I pulled away and a frown appeared on his face.

"Why'd you let go?" he said with a confused look.

"I need to get to my next class-"

"No-no, come here," he reached for me and pulled me back in for another hug, "now, don't let go."

"Jeff, as much as I love you I need to get to my class, like now," I chuckled and pushed myself away from him.

"Mm, no," he wrapped his strong arms around me and kept me there, trapped in his arms and unable to escape.

"Babe we both have to get to our classes now!" I struggled to get out of his arms, but I eventually gave up. "Okay, never mind." I gave in and wrapped my arms around his waist.

"I love you Ari," he whispered into my ear making my insides melt, if he wasn't holding me I swear I would have fallen.

"I love you too, Jeff."



I've been obsessed with Eminem for the longest time I swear.

sincerely yours, liz

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